Hi, I'm Susan. Nice to meet you! Please feel free to phone me at (705) 726-0040 for healing treatments and more information. I'm a certified Reiki Master, Wholistic Natural Health and Wellness Practitioner and Educator in Barrie, providing several healing therapies for better HEALTH, WHOLENESS and HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). AWAKEN HEALING LOVE, LIGHT, ENERGY and INNER WISDOM.
Healing therapies include: Therapeutic Relaxation Masage, Thai Yoga Masage, Reiki Healing and/or Reiki Shamanism, Sound Healing, Tibetan Energy and Vitality, the Science of Energy and Muscle Balancing such as Touch For Health (healing techniques from Chinese medicine, chiropractic, naturopathy, osteopathy, nutrition and person-centered counseling focused on meaningful, personal goals) and other Specialized Kinesiologies (communication tools and healing techniques which enables a person to assess and upgrade their performance in all areas of their life), Stimulation of Neuro-Lymphatic, Neuro-Vascular, Auricular (Ear), Brazilian Toe and Acupressure Points, Marma (Traditional Ayurvedic Indian and Thai Medicine) Points and Sowa Rigpa (Traditional Tibetan Medicine) Points, Cleansing and Balancing the Aura, Chakras and Meridians, Healing Techniques for: Improved Postural Balance, Pain and Stress Relief, Promotion of Peace, Deep Relaxation and Calming of the Mind, Increased Blood and Lymph Circulation, Boosting the Immune System, Overall Health, Well-Being, Longevity, Vitality and Energy, the Universal Healing Tao (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which helps to Achieve Goals and Overcome Emotional and Physical Stress and Trauma by Transforming Negative Emotional States into Positive Energy.
Enjoy a very fun, happy and peaceful day. Follow your heart, bliss, joy, passion and dreams. May you see the MAGIC in nature and universal LOVE and UNITY each day!