
  1. D

    KrayJee where you at? Back in the hobby, need some advice

    This goes for anyone but dropping KrayJee as I can't DM him. If you read this, send me a DM I wanna bounce some stuff of you. Been out of the game for a while, need to know any good semi legit spas that are still kicking around. Looking for lots of tease, a nice release and a good massage.
  2. S

    Daniel Min (aka KRAYJEE) sued Highway 407 ETR and received $50,000 because his transponder was defective? Said Daniel Min, aka Krayjee: " I will never forget the day all the ladies came out screaming and shaking hands with me telling everyone I was the guy who beat hwy407 ETR at the court. I was awarded $50k and I guess they...
  3. S

    Poll Krayjee the 78 yeard old shill on massage planet

    Looks like the famous KJ, why he is famous. what I really have to think of other than he posts for every website on massage planet, he puts money in his pocket to sustain his old ass, non experienced life. A KJ LIFE - IS A LIFE FULL OF BS..... with non spa girls.. OR WITH SPA GIRLS IN GENERAL...
  4. kreepjee

    KRAYJEE / curvcrazee / nostring, ETC. 2013. SAME TIRED OLD SHIT for all those years. ALL DAY ON ALL BOARDS. SHILL LIFER. BEFORE AND AFTER HIS JAIL...

    (STILL KRAYJEE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS): "Just a heads up guys, don't listen to these users ( Curvcrazee and Nostring is one person) . He's only here to shill and scam your money, basically he's raising the number of his...
  5. S

    Chat Hey Krayjee

    Hey Krayjee - you a fucking bad ass? mutha fucking tiny thai dude. Yoy fucking try to put me down mutha? hUH? WTF YA GOT TO SAY KJ - Massage planet is waiting for your response - but less I forgot - you are sleeping now because of old age. Must be hard to copy and past spa schedules. I know...
  6. L

    Krayjee when you suck man cock do you swallow

    Yes!! Dah
  7. L

    Krayjee granddaughter Now working at SexyBabes

    No Tell Krayjee
  8. T

    Chat Who here thinks KRAYJEE is a SCUM BAG LEECH ?

    His signature has a negative tone and advises that people hate him. This is what he says to everyone everyday in his signature. " Jealous people live miserable lives " " Silence is the best response to a fool"" " We make a living by what we get, make a life by what we give" He makes his...
  9. SquarePinRoundHole

    KRAYJEE ADVISES HIS CLIENTS TO EVADE TAXES He may be unaware of possible serious consequenses. " What is tax evasion and tax fraud: falsifying records and...
  10. SquarePinRoundHole

    Ladies, Don't show your customer log sheets to KRAYJEE: HE OFTEN TAKES PICS AND COPIES TO OTHER SPA OWNERS (since YEARS ago) [/SIZE] (Then E&M fired his sorry wrinkly ass and hired JimiNY lol.)
  11. SquarePinRoundHole

    KRAYJEE CALLS HIS CUSTOMERS WHORES! Is he being disrespectful as a shill who gets paid to promote?

    Krayjee has been getting BANNED from almost everywhere for a long time:
  12. L

    Krayjee say sorry me

    Krayjee say sorry me so no tell that he suckee man cock LSt nite. I no tell Krayjee
  13. L

    Krayjee off next 2 weeks

    He tell wurkers at spa 1 customer bust his but whole wide open Need heal now*
  14. L

    Krayjee well known Deep throat specialist work today!

    Why no tell suckee men cock Krayjee
  15. L

    Krayjee why you stuff Easter eggs up your ass?

    He pomote hiz services on Grindr now Krayjee out of closet!
  16. L

    Krayjee's Dick RIP

    Rehports sy no work anymore
  17. L

    Krayjee do half time (suckee) show

    It pay pir veiw
  18. L

    Krayjee do live (suckee) half time show

    It pay pir veiw
  19. L

    Krayjee can Deep throat

    He do veedeo wyth big cock in his muoth
  20. L

    Krayjee suck my boyfriend cock

    Pm I send picfure