ROCKFORD, Mich. (WOOD) — A woman says she told a man now accused of possessing child pornography to stop during a massage she described as “inappropriate.”
“He took my arm and draped it off the side of the table, which is normal and then he lifted my shoulder, my elbow so far up that it completely exposed my breast and my nipple,” she said recounting her massage appointment on Nov. 3, 2022. “And vigorously shook me like he did the sheets.”
Report: Child porn suspect fired from massage job after complaint
Arkesteyn, who worked at Forest Hills Public Schools as a cleaner, was arrested last week on federal child pornography charges and recently placed on leave.
The concerned massage customer does not want to be named but produced a police report that she filed with the Kent County Sheriff’s Department. In the complaint, she states that Arkesteyn tried to touch and expose her private areas during a massage.
“There was no reason for him to touch the front part of my legs and that’s when I made eye contact with him and I told him, ‘This is inappropriate, you need to stop,’” she said.
The customer said the business manager ended up firing Arkesteyn following the incident. While the Kent County prosecutor declined charges in the case as there was “insufficient evidence to prove a crime.”
“A part of me felt like maybe I wasn’t worthy of justice. Maybe I was being a drama queen. And I felt very, very strongly like it didn’t matter,” she said. “And then when I saw what happened with the child porn I was just like, it’s sad.”
Child porn suspect is Forest Hills worker
The customer, who is a licensed massage therapist herself, knew Arkesteyn’s actions weren’t OK, but she told News 8 she was worried about coming off rude or overly sensitive.
“The second I clenched my legs together I think is when I should have stopped it, but in my mind I just thought I was being paranoid,” she said. “I hate to say it, polite.”
An attorney for the client sent a letter to Simply Massage in December 2023 instructing the business to preserve all records related to the incident. The client told News 8 a civil lawsuit against Simply Massage is pending.
In a Monday letter to parents, Forest Hills Public Schools says it was made aware of the arrest on Wednesday, the day after it happened. It sent a letter to parents the same say. The next day, it brought in a firm to sweep the schools for any devices it had not OK’d. Those sweeps are still underway, the district said. Collins Elementary has been checked; five other schools will be checked this week.
Forest Hills: FAQs about employee
The district said it didn’t immediately provide specifics about which buildings Arkesteyn worked in because cleaners are considered ‘rovers’ and can work around the district.
“The District needed to check the employee’s work history and electronic card access to determine which buildings he had worked in, as this individual’s assignment was to fill in vacancies in multiple buildings. After a thorough review, it was determined that the employee had been assigned to the Northern attendance area and spent most of his time working at Collins Elementary, Meadow Brook Elementary, and Northern Trails, as well as limited time at Northern Hills Middle School and Northern High School,” the district wrote.
FHPS said it has received no word from the FBI that any district students were victims in the criminal investigation.
It reiterated that Akesteyn was hired in January 2023 and said his first day as a cleaner was Feb. 6 of that year. It said it conducted background checks before that. Arkesteyn did not have a criminal history prior to his arrest last week, court documents said.
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