I had a series (4)of acupuncture treatments for menopausal symptoms. It helped with the hot flushes for about 6 months - the chinese doctor said it may only last 3 months. It had no effect on weight loss - as he said, that was purely in my hands - less in, more out (watch what you eat, and exercise, was what he advised!) He gave me some herbal tinctures to take, but they were foul!!! Luckily I have not had the mood swing problems - I'm naturally grumpy!!! I am going to go back for more treatments in September, and presently am limiting dairy and wheat, as these make me 'bloat'. Lots of green veg and some lean meat. Water, and tea, but allow myself two cups of coffee before midday, which is probably why I am not improving!
It may be a good idea to have a consultation with a TCM doctor (wouldn't advise one of the 'shops' that appear to be appearing in every town centre in the country!) and ask their opinion.