The other night, I was at a high-end spa, and the girl I had chosen suggests we invite her best friend. At first, having tried a professional threesome before I was a bit wary, and all my fears were proven true. First, the reason she is recommending her friend is that her buddy's not attractive enough to get picked on her own, given the stiff competition. Secondly, they were into the money, and not each other, so the proceedings are more sequential, than multi-dimensional (i.e. I screw one, then the other, then the first, etc.)
I shouldn't complain; the first girl had the looks, but her friend had a few things going for her: she was barely
barely believebly 18, she was inexperienceed but enthusiastic and her pussy was as snug as a virgin's asshole. Anyway, she proved a better fuck than her pretty buddy.
The thing I hate about commercially bisexual girls, is that once they are all embarrased about touching each other in their erogenous zones. The pretty one had reached across and grabbed the young one's tit a couple of times, but each time, it was met by giggles and not a come-on.
When I had the pretty one on top, I had the young one form a ring around the base of my cosk with her thumb and forefinger, hoping that they'd get to like the feeling of one touching the other's pussy, but well, there was no real chemistry there.
Next, I had the pretty one on her back and we were banging away like college sweethearts. Meanwhile, the pretty one was standing by my left side looking awkward.
I brought her right hand over to caress my balls and placed the middle three fingers of her left hand on the belly of her pretty friend, just below the belly button and had her press down. At first neither girl understood what I was up to. The young girl is giggling at being touched by her friend. Then I pulled the pretty girl's knees up by her shoulders, gripping her by the ankles and puching her knees towards the headnoard, just till her hips began to raise off the matress.
Suddenly, with a burst of giggles, the pretty girl says, "hey, I can feel your cock", and starts playing with it, with no idea that she is massaging her friend's G-spot from the outside.
Then suddenly, her friend comes over all serious, because I am fairly sure she's not had this sensation before and she likes it. When the pretty girl's hand slips off the sweet spot, she grabs it by the wrist and keeps it anchored in place. Soon, it's irrelevant, because her belly muscles tighten up like a rock and she's holding her breath, almost going red in the process. I'm coming buckets at this moment, but I manage to keep a straight face and stay hard, basically faking
not having a massive orgasm.
With nothing to play with and realising what's going on with her little friend, the pretty girl goes round behind me and grabbs my ass, slamming my hips with all her might into her friend's pussy. Within about only 20 thrusts, young 'un holds me tight to her so that I can't move, although she thinks that I haven't come. In my experience, this is the only way you can tell that a whore's come, because otherwise, she'd be trying to finish me off.
By this point, my condom's leaking a little and there's cum running over her lips and down her crack, but she probably thought it was her juices, because we swap and go at it again. I manage to slip the condom off without them seeing it's full and roll a new one on. By this time, we're all into it and I'm hard and 'good to go'. Now I'm giggling, or at least chuckling at my deception. After another quick bang, I fake an orgasm and we're done.
Anyway, that's nearly all there was; the girls were very affectionate and hung around for a bit cuddling, now that their work was over.
The bad news is that the room costs RMB348 - RMB430 and each girl gets another RMB500 from you. That's way more than I wanted to spend, but for that you get a top quality 5-6 star hotel room, with a steam room, shower, hot tub and a granite soapland massage table (oh yes, I forgot to mention that bit - but it involves a two long drawn out girl ice-fire routine, oiled bm, foot sucking etc.... and I forgot to mention the strange but curiously pleasant thing they do with these frozen jellies and your asshole, but we'll not go into that.), plus two very enthusiastic youung and pretty girls for about 3 hours of intense enjoyment.
If you want to recreate this, try this hotel:
Ask for manageress Lisa Gong and have her call numbers 075 (pretty one) and 197 (her young friend).