Hi RoS
I cheat; I "make" mind from ABMP's newsletter generator, so everything is done for you. They have some good articles, though... here are some (all headlines paraphrased, as I don't remember the exact wording, except where headlines are in quotes):
* all about tea (some basics)
* the importance of communication
* all about Hot Stone (or any other modality, you could do Ashiatsu, Thai, reflexology, etc)
* the importance of sunblock
* beating the winter blues
* should your teenager get massage?
* the importance of drinking water
* all about walking &/or other exercise
I also thought of a few... (dunno if they're covered on ABMP's site or not, but these are things I've thought about writing about)...
* Fibromyalgia
* other autoimmune disorders
* what's a trigger point?
* how can chiropractic help?
* what happens in a car wreck? (physiologically, biomechanically, etc)
* all about thoracic outlet syndrome
* the scoop about body wraps
* toxins in our environment
* the difference between Swedish & Deep Tissue (I've had a lot of ppl ask this)
* massage & ADD/ADHD
* what is biofeedback?
* all about your first massage--what to expect, etc.
* how to calm stress levels
* all about yoga & pilates
* introducing: different natural modalities (such as herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathic, etc)... I don't think this would interfere with our scope of practice as "giving advice" as long as we get our information from reputable sources and paraphrase what they have to say, or perhaps simply tell a success story about your OWN experience. No law prevents you from doing that, as you're not inciting them to do anything except possibly their own independent research

You could also do a Q&A... answering questions from your clients... "Ask Your Therapist"
* how often should I get massage?
* how can massage benefit kids?
* "I'm scared of chiropractors/medical doctors/etc!"
* "my mother won't get a massage because she's convinced it's going to hurt!"
* how much clothing should I remove?
* or dispel myths, such as "no pain, no gain", etc and offer the truth followed by a logical explanation.
* the importance of REGULAR massage--don't wait till you're in pain!
You could share new happenings in your business...
* changes in your policies
* new programs or specials or packages
* new modalities you now offer
* gift certificates (list events to get clients' minds flowing)
* gentle/friendly reminders
* change in location
* miscellaneous, such as "we now do housecalls!" "we now accept credit cards!" or new other healthcare professionals that you now network with or whatnot.
I had a friend who did her own newsletters and she talked about different things--one I remember very well was titled, "a word about body image..." because she had so many self-conscious ppl come to her and they were embarrassed about one "imperfect" physical feature or another, so she wrote a nice article to address that. Things like how MTs are typically nonjudgmental and see way past the "imperfection" and how we encouter all types of bodies, etc.
Hopefully this'll get the creative brain juices flowing
Good luck!
