That would be a great combination - very similar to an Indonesian looking girl, I suppose. I had an Indonesian girlfriend in 1999. She was SUPER BEAUTIFUL. Not as beautiful as Sweet Alice, but still very pretty. I tried to look for my Indo girlfriend after the tsunami, but never found her again. I even paid a guy $1100 to search for her - P.I. in Indonesia - but he never found her either.
Anyways, Indonesians are gorgeous. They are a mix of Chinese and Indian, at least some of them are.
Indonesians are gorgeous - INDEED !!

..if you really want to drown in the abyss take the 20+ flight to the other side.
Was in in Singapore last year..and stayed at the Hilton on Orchard Road..across the street was the a place called
4 Floors Of Whores
Yes 4 floors day its a shopping night its a open end meat market. Chicks from Vietnam, Malaysian, etc. all tanned , young , etc.
Inside its all go-go bars filled with chicks,,u just have to buy a beer and chill, they all come after you. I saw one girl who was in a white skirt that caught me eye.
I called her over - she spoke some english...(cock , money, hotel ) lol..I said pull up your skirt let me see if you have what I am looking for...
She pulled me into a corner, turned around , pulled up her skirt (no panties) grabbed my hand and placed in on her pussy - looked back, smiled and said "this what you want ? "- thats when I said Jesus Christ I have made it to heaven. LOL
As for variety.. It was packs of them, everywhere , every club ,3-5 girls together,,you just pick one to come over. These girls where 8/10 no one was over 30yrs old ..they have a bank machines right in the open on every floor..guys lined up taking out cash, jumping in taxis and heading back to there hotel. I remember still the vision of seeing this young Malaysian girl in a green tight dress ..long hair, fat ass ,,she was stunning..(still remember her) .
By the time I joined the lined to pull out cash, she was umping into a cab with some young asian guy....action starts like 8pm and stops at 4am everynight ...yes everynight .
Starbucks and Hilton is directly across the street. ..Hilton front desk asks no questions and are not at all concerned..they waved and said goodnight when i was bringing up my fun for the night.
Rates were about 100CAD - but thats for a few hrs. its all GFE, what ever you ask for they will accommodate. Only thing is you have to bring your own condoms. Walking back from the the place I passed at least 4 street stalls that sold condoms, candy,chips and dildos..(yeah its crazy)
You have to experience this kind of action, At least once in your your pennies..take a trip will be in heaven.
Also Fly Singapore Airlines - Why ? ..
Because its a first round introduction to what you will see when you get to Singapore. ..Beauty is relative so just to let you know what I mean by 8/10 ..these are my kind of 8/10..and this airline has the sexist stewards hands down and cocks up ! . I was pushing the service button every hour , calling my them over .."ahh can I have some water,,ahh can I have some ice..can I get a napkin..... They must have caught on..