I woke this morning, turned over in bed and yoW! I twisted or did something to my back and now my mid-back between the right scapula and spine all the way up the neck. It is in spasm! I took motrin and iced. Argh! Anything else I should do? I can't get comfortable, can't be in the same position for very long.
How soon should I get a massage for this? I am due one. I'll try to see my chiro tomorrow if she isn't taking the day off for MLK day.
sigh - its going to be a long day and I guess no ice skating for us today.
How soon should I get a massage for this? I am due one. I'll try to see my chiro tomorrow if she isn't taking the day off for MLK day.
sigh - its going to be a long day and I guess no ice skating for us today.