Known Reviewer
Dataset - Ontario Data Catalogue
For those that want a direct source to relevant information rather than the cherry picked and manipulated view Whitesnake1987 distributes.

Welcome | Public Health Ontario
Homepage of Public Health Ontario(PHO). PHO keeps Ontarians safe and healthy. With our partners in government, public health and health care, we prevent illness and improve health.

Find COVID‑19 (coronavirus) information and resources for individuals, employees, business owners and employers. Book a vaccine and stay up-to-date with public health advice.
new link with VOC (variants of concern)

Ontario Dashboard - Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table
NOTICE: This website is no longer updated and the resources on this site are outdated.If you have questions about previously published Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table resources, please email [email protected]. Current Status in Ontario Contents Current Status in Ontario Current...

Toronto map and tracker

Translate this site using Google Translate in 简体中文, 繁體中文, فارسی, தமிழ், Español, Português, Français, Русский, Italiano, 한국어, اردو, and other languages. In December 2019, a novel coronavirus started an outbreak which led to a pandemic. Later, this novel coronavirus became known as COVID-19. As...

York Region's municipal website provides access to information and services including public health, road maintenance, bylaws, recreational activities, Regional plans, permits and community support.
York Reion tracker

MAP: Tracking confirmed COVID-19 cases in York Region
Track confirmed COVID-19 cases across York Region and in each municipality with daily updates, Monday to Friday

Peel Region
COVID-19 vaccines - peelregion.ca
Canada vaccination tracker
COVID-19 Tracker Canada - Vaccination Tracker
Real-time COVID-19 vaccination updates for every region in Canada, tracking doses of Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine delivered and administered to Canadians.
COVID-19 vaccine safety: Report on side effects following immunization - Canada.ca
Information about any adverse events following immunization (AEFI) that individuals have reported after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. These adverse events are not necessarily related to the vaccine.
Ontario vaccination info
COVID‑19 vaccines
Learn about Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccination program and how to book a vaccine.
additional tracker. Has a percent positivity by postal code. You can type in you postal code and see the results
COVID-19 Dashboard
additional tracker of vaccinations by postal code
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