Date: 27 Jan
Provider: Victoria/Mimi
Phone: 520-0598
Email Address:
URL / Website: -
City: Leon Valley
State: Texas
Address: Off Bandera Rd
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Lt+++
Session Length: 30 but went 45
Fee: .6+$40
Hair Length and Color: Mimi black and long, Victoria black and longer
Age: 30's/20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Mimi has a banging body, 5-6 face with small tat on her rear, c's on top. Victoria is more slender, 8-9 face with smaller top.
Recommendation: Yes
Provider: Victoria/Mimi
Phone: 520-0598
Email Address:
URL / Website: -
City: Leon Valley
State: Texas
Address: Off Bandera Rd
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Lt+++
Session Length: 30 but went 45
Fee: .6+$40
Hair Length and Color: Mimi black and long, Victoria black and longer
Age: 30's/20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Mimi has a banging body, 5-6 face with small tat on her rear, c's on top. Victoria is more slender, 8-9 face with smaller top.
Recommendation: Yes