Hello everyone,
I'm 29 yrs old living in Orange County California and have been traveling to thailand 6 times in 2003- 2004, until my passport was revoked ! I'm so depressed ! Due to having a child with this latin girl back when I was in college and child support is past due

! I'm planning to retire in thailand one day, I used own my own business and had no problem with keeping up with child support and having financial freedom until late 2004 when business went belly up due to slow U.S economy and other reasons. My question is how can I get my passport back? I owe about $ 9,000 child support due and my kid is about 13 yrs old now. I have maybe 5 years left until child support is over I think, although some say if the child is going to college, I'm not off the hook until he's 21yrs old according to California state law. So is this mean I'm stuck / trap in the U.S until I pay off my child support past due? Right now business in U.S is pretty hard to run so I'm thinking of going back to school for 4 yrs to become RN ( registered nurse ) average income is about
$ 50,000 + a year and it is pretty easy to get jobs in that field. However it is not anywhere near what I used to make in my wholesale/ retail business that I had before, I earned about 200,000 to 500,000 a year before. But at least being a RN is secured with retirement pensions, the drawback is wasting another 4 years back in school

. So i figured by the time I get my degree I will be 34yrs old and will work as an RN for another 15yrs before I retired at the age of 49yrs old in THAILAND! Of course with my savings of all those years and retirement checks I can invest and survive the rest of my life in enjoying all the fun in Thailand after. I wonder how much I would need per year in thailand to live? I'm talking about having FUN to the fullest! Drinking beer at bars and clubs/ getting laid everyday LOL I wonder how much would I spend per year doing so until my body can't take it anymore and die LOL. I figured about $ 100 per night x 30 days in a month ( give or take I might not go out the straight 30 days in a month = $3,000 x 12months = $ 36,000 a year of entertainment

...Is that enough or too much of partying and spending?
ANYONE WITH ANY IDEAS OR COMMENT ABOUT MY PLANS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT. I'm very open minded to all intelligent ideas from you all... THANKS