Well the OWNESS was on me !
After visiting 6 Bars on Tongren (VG , Manhattan, Blue Angel, Judys and a couple others I started getting bored. Not so much by the Pretty and slender sexy courtesans, but the set up. Ladies drinks which these girls swill down in amatter of seconds (only ONE Lady Drink per bar was my limit) but I still ended up dropping 500rmb.
I decided to check the street rather then bargin with these honeys who all see you cuming and have been there and done that. I grabbed two girls one sexy late twentys, one a litle chubby early twentys that wanted to go for 200 a piece after brief negoiation. So off we went, me with 4 -100rmb notes and some small taxi money in pocket. I had already secured all my valuables and cash in hotel safe.
The girls were fun enough and willing to please. Just as little Husky was getting hard they reminded me about fee. I go up and went to pocket where I fould only 1-100rmb , this must of been grabbed as I step into bathroom for less then 15sec. I then explained to girls that most of my cash was missing and all I had was 1-100 and about another 100 in small bills. They asked if I had any foreign currency or could go to ATM, I was not going to go for that .They also asked if I had HK Currency which to me was odd, because I did have one HK 100 in a book on my desk. Anyway I did not want to accuse them and they seened so sincere about empting pursases.
I just laid the remaining cash I had including HK note out which came to about 300rmb and they staretd with Double BBJ and Sgl Fuck which was okay. they left within an hour. But it must of been them because I do not drink at all and I am usually preetty aware of my situation . SO THE OWNESS WAS ON ME! hehe!
ps: All toll was about 600rmb including lost money. Oh yeah and 500rmb spent at bars for Ladies Drinks. The way these girls swill it down would give a pinoy honey alcholhol posioning. I will stick to Saunas I think ! heh!
Unles anyone has better suggestion. I will say I did enjoy each honey I brought drink for, but I would not make a habit of it !