Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
I mean, dude, it’s gotta b discussed right?Just curious if the spa duscusses with the newbies if they are prepared to add the +sign in the profile.
Take Shallon… gal does zero xxxtras, she’s a masseuse

… listen, Shallon’s seriously pretty

… if we put a + beside her name w/o discussion, w/o telling her… Guess what happens next?


Irene’s already had2 deal w guys not taking No 4 an answer… seriously p!sses her off … if a plus ended up beside her name w/o her permission? Almost certainly she quits

Not 2 long ago, we added a + beside a gal’s name, then took it away when she got 2 much pressure @ her own request… esp newbies wanna pick who they give HE 2…

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