
  1. E

    If a girl let me touch her butt while giving a massage, would she let me kiss her?

    For girls, imagine it was you in this situation. I am giving you a back massage while you are lying down and I touch your butt by mistake, but I keep doing it..If you don't say anything what does it mean for you and the guy?green light for other things? @IraqOut old fashioned to ask for...
  2. C

    The Good Night Kiss

    The Goodnight Kiss One night a guy takes his girlReviewiend home. They are about to kiss each other goodnight, but the guy is feeling a little horny. With an air of confidence, he leans with his hand against the wall and, smiling, he says to her ”Darling, would you give me a blow job?"...
  3. P

    The sweet kiss

    There was a couple involved in a very bad car accident. The wife's face was badly burned. The doctors said they could take the burnt skin and replace it with extra skin. The woman's husband gladly allowed the doctors to use some skin Reviewom his behind. The woman healed beautifully and ask...
  4. charming

    Kiss it Better

    Little Johnny has just been toilet trained and decides to use the big toilet like his daddy. He pushes up the seat and balances his little penis on the rim. Just then the toilet seat slams down, and little Johnny lets out a scream. His mother comes running to find Johnny hopping round the room...
  5. D

    one kiss per yard

    alking up to a department store's fabric counter, a pretty girl asked, "I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?" "Only one kiss per yard," replied the smirking male clerk. "That's fine," replied the girl. "I'll take ten yards."...
  6. 101-chuckle

    Guys, you bump into and kiss a girl in a club you've chatted online to...?

    Will it go anywhere. You've kissed 5 mins after meeting (both veryy drunk) you both chatted online for a month before even though she had bf at one stage. Kiss was v passionate and you obviously fancied her at the time. You wanted her to come bk to urs for houseparty after,she went to another...
  7. T

    i need help finding a beautiful woman or mistress that would let me kiss,...

    ...massage, lick, and worship her feet.? i always liked feet since i was young but i never had the chance of experiencing it. if any woman or mistress wants me to then let me know. thanks.
  8. Y

    First kiss advice for the newbie?

    Going to the movies in a couple days with my GF. I've been on dates before, but this time I want to kiss her and she's made it clear she wants to. Never kissed anyone on the lips before... Any advice, tips? I'd rather it not fail miserably. :)
  9. S

    What Were The Two newbie At Nine Songs On Kiss 107 fm Last Night ?

    Well i Was Listening To The radio And i Can't Rememberr One Of The New Songs They Was Playinqq yesterdayy . . .
  10. H

    Kiss me, I'm Sweedish?

    Why do the Irish get to have all the fun? Now pucker up. Kiss, kiss.
  11. S

    What Were The Two newbie At Nine Songs On Kiss 107 fm Last Night ?

    Well i Was Listening To The radio And i Can't Rememberr One Of The New Songs They Was Playinqq yesterdayy . . .
  12. N

    What is the cell phone used to video chat in episode 4 Righteous Kiss of

    brothers and sisters? I really want this phone
  13. R

    how do you introduce a kiss? and what type?

    13 and my gf is quite fridged. shes fine with a hug and stuff but shes always looking down, how do i introduce a kiss? and what type should it be and how? (first time)
  14. H

    Kiss me, I'm Sweedish?

    Why do the Irish get to have all the fun? Now pucker up. Kiss, kiss.
  15. J

    would you let a guy massage and kiss your feet?

    Women would you allow a man to do this to you?
  16. J

    If you had to give Nancy Pelosi a big fat kiss on national TV or give your

    father an erotic butt massage...? which would you choose?
  17. H

    Kiss me, I'm Sweedish?

    Why do the Irish get to have all the fun? Now pucker up. Kiss, kiss.
  18. D

    What Is A Kiss Massage ? ? ?

    I Know This Is Really Lame, But My BoyFriend Said He Was Going Too Give Me A Kiss Massage When He Comes Over. What's A Kiss Massage Though ? ? ? And I Was Going Too Ask Him But I Felt Weird Asking Him .
  19. H

    Kiss me, I'm Sweedish?

    Why do the Irish get to have all the fun? Now pucker up. Kiss, kiss.