
  1. A

    Who does the best killer tease HJ?

    Forget extras, just a real slow teasing killer HJ, one that kills in sensation and is agonizingly porlonged. So few MPA's seem to specialize in this so who's who??
  2. R

    Tease then reach under.

    Who is the current queen of the tease and then reach under move? A former mpa now retired could make the Prez bounce like a Ford with bad shock absorbers. I need to find this again.
  3. H

    Paul, you tease!

    It's very, very cruel, Paul. You tell us on your website that you will be posting new pictures of Jenna. Then, you make us wait and wait...
  4. lu_dicrous

    ultimate dog tease -- not cruel

    I must have watched this 100x, cracks me up every single time. Mostly because I always tell my dog how much I love the neighbours cat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw
  5. A

    The Tease

    :clap:lol: Very, good!
  6. R

    tie and tease fantasy

    my fantasy at the moment would be tie and tease then a jolly good seeing too ! has anyone requested this at a massage parlour i tend to just lie there and go through the same old motions never had the bottle to ask i guess im missing out is it best to ask maid or wg?