sy barite
Known Reviewer
Yes, I asked you to look consider your own biases and realize that they are conscious biases. This is an important point. There is no evidence that any kind of unconscious bias training works for the simple reason that we haven't figured out how to reliably train the unconscious. So all of these businesses and schools that are purporting to make things better by making this kind of training and "education" mandatory are basically like faith based religions. If you have a "split second" reflex that is actually contrary to your beliefs and morality--you know it. You don't continue to act on the reflex as if you're not conscious of your actions.You are asking people to look into themselves. Isn’t that exactly what the training is meant to encourage.
The examples I gave were all split second reflex reactions, not a thought out process. That is the unconscious part I’m referring to.
As for blacks being racist, I’ve posted before that the majority in any country can be racist towards the minorities. So yes, in black countries racism exists.
Marxism class power highlighted the differences between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, those with wealth and who owned production means and those you had to sell themselves as labour. It wasn’t about race but social economic status in times before labour unions and labour laws that allowed the exploitation of the working class. Marxism arose when the population of various countries was still quite ethnically and religiously homogeneous so it was a rich/poor political movement and not a black/white one.
When I referred to Marxism I was talking about the philosophical approach, not the literal economic doctrine. BLM for example is a Marxist organization in that it sees the world as divided by (racial) class, motivated by power and attributes characteristics to people based on the colour of their skin.
If you believe it's possible for racism to happen from black to white, then I guess we have some common ground, but that belief will certainly put you out of step with what's being taught in our institutions. Congratulations, there's hope for you.