fired, but then she posted she's back, lol.
I think its better to see her indy and give her a little yayo and then pipe her.
this woman is hot!!!! and really want to jump off on some of you but I know… you guys know nuthing about bi-polar, do you?
So all you experts on bi-polar people are here harping this and and that. and she does drugs and all that….
I read almost ever post on this thread and i really think.. some of you dudes show signs of bi-polar!
once again, I’m going to ask you dudes… what is your personal, family experience with bipolar?
what you know?
you know about about your own mother who is drunk as a skunk going to your neighbours doors telling them Jesus is the word?
or other.. dealers choice and you tell me what your own personal experience is…
ffs, bashing an MPA without personal experience is like, some Shills
on this website, shaking in their shoes because some hot babe suddenly is talked about.. woah. Gotta get on my fake shill handle and turn this conversation around.
cuz I need to get everyone focused on something else. Ffs…
as long as she ain’t doing drugs in front me, and she’s professional about our 2,3 or longer appt.
and Ffs, all you experts talking shit.. site your experiences! about bipolar.
let’s get it on.
who has personal experience with lithium or seroquel?