We received a lot enquiries regarding table shower services. Allow us to clarify the misconceptions regarding table shower service at Lulu Villa.
Table shower at Lulu Villa is somewhat like getting a body slide. Instead of getting oil all over the body, you will be covered with bath lotion slide (neck down). The lotiom slide is not some cheap stuff. It coms from japan. It is a lot easier to rinse off than lubricant or oil and also not as sticky. I personally find soap more slippery than oil or lubricant. More slippery = more fun

The shower temperature can be adjusted to the customer's preference. We will have towels ready for you to dry as soon as you step off the shower table. We have heat inside the room that is set to room temperature so you feel cold at all.
We have a headrest so that your hair can stay dry.
We hope we have addressed some of your concerns. As usual if you have questions, please pm us or post it on this thread. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.