Ok, I'm not a kid, you on the other hand are a baby tossing a tantrum, grow the fuck up child, what I choose to do at spas id none of your business. And if I want to comment on your girlfriend here, guess what, I will regardless of your empty threatsnone of your business, kid, I'm single and can do whatever the fuck I want, free country ain't it? Im not the one who is married with a wife/daughter I betrayed like OGFunguy now am I?
The thing is I hate people who talk shit behind girl's/customers' backs and keep denying. It's not just about Michelle, but also about other girls and customers he talked about. This isn't my thread but I will give a piece of my mind when people talk shit and I have tons of evidence proving I'm right.
Y'all saw the attachments people gave me by now where he talked about various girls and customers, and that's just a tip of the iceberg, I literally have hundreds more given to me by various people about him. Did I make these pictures up? Y'all have eyes, is he gonna deny his main ID in these attachments as well?
That's why I told y'all to stop commenting until you found out the truth. In the end, it's not just the girls, but customers like yourselves who are being talked about as well.
Now you know the truth about OGFunguy and his various IDs including Neimanmax8, TonyD and others, also know that this guy is spying on customers/taking pictures of you guys in the spas that he promotes, by his own admission. I rest my case, take it however you want.
If he keeps denying and escalating by posting here, then I will keep going because I don't give a fuck and I got tons more stuff which I left out as a final courtesy. If he shuts up as I suggested to him many times, then I might consider calling it a day, provided him and his various IDs stop posting garbage here and elsewhere about Michelle or other MPAs.
Running around this site threatening people with exposure, that you're packing and you're a supposed boxer and you don't pay for sex.

Seriously just fuck off, let's get back to reviews ffs, not this school yard bullshit from some snot nosed dipshit like you, use the site for what it's supposed to be, spa reviews.
Fuck me this planet is becoming nothing but a bunch of pussies swinging their imaginary dicks.