I am new to this site... but joined as I felt it important to give my thoughts on Mont's Thai Massage. I believe that Lake was my host... about 5' tall... 100 lbs.... Asian.... Hot. Here is my rating: Massage: 8/10; Body: 9/10. Massage price of $40 for one hour. That was reasonable... but I found her rates for hj or naked hj and full service extremely high. Once it was time for the extra's she was hurried... and not very enthusiastic. I've seen her 3 times now... and honestly the service keeps getting worse. Yes she looks great. But $200 for FS and another $40 for the hour.... For a rushed service without a lot of effort.... not worth it in my opinion. I have also been to Island Body Works, and had Madonna. Madonna's effort to deliver is 10 times greater than Lake's in my opinion. The problem with Madonna is the age.... she isn't young and tight like Lake... But I tell ya... If Lake could do what Madonna can do..... then and only then would she be worth that much dough.