I thought I would throw in my experience.
Since I'm cheap to take a taxi I decided to go there by foot.
- Got off at YishanLu station
- Walked along Kaixuan lu until I hit the intersection where Fanyu on the NE becomes Wuzhong on the SW.
- Along Wuzhong, the first little stretch has nothing too interesting to look at.
- Once you cross a few streets and pass the underpass (zhongshan xi lu i think), you start to see BBS on both sides. Many girls wearing blue or white gowns. Didn't seem too busy today because in all the shops I passed by late-afternoon, there were at least 4-5 girls in the waiting area. I can't imagine there being too many more girls there. Some had their male pimps there inside. Quality of looks is quite good. I'm asian myself and I would say they're at least 6.5/7+. If the prices are quite low as other threads make them out to be, I think you can get a lot of your money's worth checking these joints out. In one particular "strip mall", I saw maybe 4-5 BBSes next to each other. Competition can be good for our pocketbooks!
So the whole walk from the station to the hotel is just under 30 minutes. Great exercise for getting the blood flowing.
Experience is as many others describe. I opted for:
- the added exfoliation scrub; yes, a little odd being scrubbed down by a guy, but he was hilarious because he kept asking me if I liked sex. DUH I wouldn't be here if I didn't like it! And since I can't really understand all that much mandarin, his pelvic thrusts and grunts to convey his message really make it rather entertaining. Cost: 30rmb
- Treated to a beer. I think this cost me 50rmb ... at least that's how I worked out the math. I could be wrong so someone correct me if they know better.
Introduced to 6 girls. All of them were quite pretty. One of them in particular looked me in the eye as she stepped into the room and gave me a smile that I knew she would be fun with. #527. Name's Dandan from Harbin. Small thin frame, probably no more than about 90lb. Short at maybe 5'1" ... small A cups, but she was flirty and had a great look that totally turned me on.
Typical red rope treatment. I extended my time w/ her.
Total bill came to 870:
- 580 for 1 hr, 790 total for the extended hr (so 210 extra for 1 more hr, but this is before 6. After 6 it is another 580 to extend)
- 30 for the scrub
- 50 for the beer?
Would I repeat? Very tempted to, considering how hot 527 was for me. She asked me to see her again and gave me her #. But there's just so many other girls out there ... I have to be fair to them all

If I do repeat, I will skip the scrub and drink. I can save the 80 kuai for a HJ down the road at the BBS next time.