LMAO... spoken like someone who genuinely knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about trading... talking about liquidity, momentum, and volume... clearly ur dumb fuck fuck troll

, since u don't even have the slightest understanding of the global markets game, breasts (real and fake), or vaginas... the latter 2 are a result of ur talking about massage girls and basically being the fat loser fuck who lives in his mom's basement and claiming that their elbows are too pointy and that's why u don't find them the slightest bit attractive.
Back to the markets... you clearly would know a liquid event or dislocation if it smacked you in the face. Let alone making evaluations based on risk.
Do everyone a favour (including your mom) go play in traffic on the 401. No need to shower, because everyone knows it's been at least 3 weeks since you last have. Keep eating those Cheetos off ur dirt bag carcass.