Semi legit with Japanese MPAs

Bowler is not Jiminy. Nice deflection. Bowler hates the game you play on your Bellagio thread with the puppets asking and answering about mileage increases, all a form of pressure on the girls that often causes them difficulty in the room. It is not truth in advertising or even subtle exaggeration, it is a campaign to have the girls visited by guys with inflated expectations and demands.

The number of girls who have left Bellagio is staggering, and it is mainly due to the way you try to increase business. You say you are not a promoter just a friend, that was me when Lucy asked me last year to post on the thread. You are closing in on 20,000 posts with your XTC login, and post all day everyday on the Bellagio thread. This is not counting your numerous other IDs here, all which support the conclusion that you are obsessed with your "status" here at massage planet. You obviously have a deep personal or financial stake in the spa.

I left the thread for the same reason the ladies have left Bellagio, your fraudulent condescending need to cause the girls problems because of your DFK higher mileage obsession being the focus of your way of advertising.

You have no shame, you slander your legitimate critics and project your own multi ID libel onto others. Bellagio used to be great, but now it is being refashioned in your image the slippage is becoming obvious. Lucy really deserves better than you, as a boyfriend, business partner or "just a guy helping out once in a while" (with tens of thousand of posts, posting everyday, 365 days a year for years now...)
As usual, W opportunity 2b a gd guy, u choose 2b a POS 💩

There’s nvr been a time xtc27 not w Bellagio so yer fiction of the “thread getting worse” = more gaslighting. 🙄

Since Bellagio’s had same roster 4 about 6 mos now, dunno about “# of gals leaving” being staggering… surrounding spas seem
2 have much hire turnover. :lol

Yer incredibly egotistical long & elaborate posts :sleep2barely merit a response… I do notice u lured me here by asking about Cecelia here & on the Bellagio thread, then when I came 2 set the record straight… Jiminy’s attack dogs waited … but yer lil plan backfired.

I’m very ready 4 all jiminy’s attacks. And yers.

So lemme b very clear 2u, silly old man … ;) yer nvr gonna promote Bellagio. Nvr. Yer nvr gonna get free rm fees 4 yer overlong pretentious reviews @ Bellagio. Nvr. U can pretend 2b a friend, barge into Lucy’s office & steal food 😋 her table. She’ll b polite, smile @ u … but yer nvr gonna benefit.

Most mbrs here notice u run 2 jiminy’s defense whenever he’s in trouble … & like him, u say same things over & over. Pathetic. :no SMH. it’s very e-z responding 2u guys w yer predictable attack lines.
Oh silly shilly demented XTC.

I never asked nor received room fees, Lucy asked for someone who spoke decent English and a touch of intelligence to promote Bellagio. She asked me, and as she had done me a favour, I was happy to do so for a few months. But as you ramped up your phony multi puppet show I decided to leave.

I never barged into her office, she invited me in and asked where I had been and unwrapped and fed me sour plums. I told her since Crystal left and since you attacked me I found much better massage services elsewhere and asked why she employed a disturbed narcissist like you to be the face of her spa. She deflected, much better than you do, and as I got up to leave massaged my neck and shoulders and said I can do really good massage. I miss her, and I feel sorry she has thrown her lot in with a clown like you and your muppetry.

Not sure where you see me running to Jiminy's defence, unless you are still pretending Bowler is Jiminy, which he is not. But typical XTC, deny, deflect, project.
Oh silly shilly demented XTC.

I never asked nor received room fees, Lucy asked for someone who spoke decent English and a touch of intelligence to promote Bellagio. She asked me, and as she had done me a favour, I was happy to do so for a few months. But as you ramped up your phony multi puppet show I decided to leave.

I never barged into her office, she invited me in and asked where I had been and unwrapped and fed me sour plums. I told her since Crystal left and since you attacked me I found much better massage services elsewhere and asked why she employed a disturbed narcissist like you to be the face of her spa. She deflected, much better than you do, and as I got up to leave massaged my neck and shoulders and said I can do really good massage. I miss her, and I feel sorry she has thrown her lot in with a clown like you and your muppetry.

Not sure where you see me running to Jiminy's defence, unless you are still pretending Bowler is Jiminy, which he is not. But typical XTC, deny, deflect, project.
Unlike most mbrs, u continuously whine about who promotes Bellagio … yer interest = very plain 2c … 😏

U nvr complain that EBW should get rid of kj … yer only focused on one tiny lil spa… 🔍

And Bellagio has no use 4u or yer pathetic overlong postings. :no

And u moved off yer favourite yrs old talking point.. that somehow a guy ✍️ posting on a website causes girls 2 leave… since Bellagio girls plainly are not leaving, while surrounding spas seem 2b having an elevated rate of departures… 👋

That’s the industry … girls come&go… right now, Bellagio doing very well that way…

And beautiful Cecelia’s been there since the beginning. :)
I don't think Social Miscreant is an XTC puppet nor bustanut.

Social Misprint is so obviously an insignificant troll who thinks it is witty to make poo poo insults, all the while muttering into his Timmy's double double on the way to his menial job in his black Denali (red rocket). A bitter loser who trolls voraciously on this site, picking feuds and being condescending in an attempt to be heard somewhere because in real life he is a total non-entity. The level of rancour and bitterness is rooted in his failure and an attempt to position himself as superior when trolling and insulting here. Pathetic. Unique in the level of his complete pathological anger and utter failure.

Bustanut is a chinese exchange student, glasses and bad teeth, spending daddy's money driving his $100K whip to spas where the ladies' jaws drop when they see how buff he is (con him with the basic sex worker flattery that only an insecure boy would be duped by). Bustanut has a total picky reviewer vibe to him, his nose so firmly up Krayjee's butt.

Rupert, Balsafire, DSL, all the accounts from May 2024 with numbers in them, those are all demonstrably XTC. The tell is the way they respond to each other on the Bellagio thread with nonsensical answers or questions that no one anywhere else on this site ask or reply to...
The pompous ambler, above all of us here MP, man of distinction you claim, brilliant, well educated, someone who's excelled in life, mind you its the world according to ambler, u 🤡. Which by the way i find rather comical on an internet site, but you go girl.

If you only knew how ridiculous you sound trying to "be somebody of distinction " on here that u actually think anyone pays attention to, really? Are you that self absorbed and delusional boy? If yer as bright as you say, ok.

I don't care what you think of me, I can be a bottom feeding slug in yer pea brain for all I care, I mean my nicknames social-misfit you idiot, again really? ...I sit at Tim Hortons ? ok old man, if that gets you through the day so be it.

You/bowler/jimi know what I drive, roughly what I look like, show yerself old man I go to most of the same spots you all do. But, that won't happen cause you all are little whiney babies, typing like mad whores on yer periods.

The ONLY folks I troll on here, are u fucking morons, and you know why, well u and that twat Shrek you have a picture of.

So, fuck off, simple
Wow, great post Social Mishap. No poo poo potty mouth, bordering on the coherent. Glad to see you are capable of learning and try to up your game in response to my laser focused dissection of your persona.

A man of accomplishment certainly, I don't recall listing any of my distinctions but a smarter less envious person than you might be able to figure it out.

As for you, don't be modest, you troll numerous people here, some of the same ones I do at times. But that is all you do, troll and try to talk down while implicitly talking yourself up.

Black Denali is a classic cliche for those with various insecurities, as exemplified in the banter between you and Bustafug: with you touting your member and him telling you how the girls are flabbergasted when he walks in. Then on his own thread where he banned anyone who calls out Bustamove, you pat each other on the back calling each other bro, bruv, and brother, concluding hilariously with your advice to not take yourselves seriously, when you both do that bromeo homoerotic mating dance. Queasy, is what I feel when you display your "personality".

Insignificant loser. Life has peaked at "failed to launch" and left to spew bile on a massage site. Read a review or two of mine, learn how to treat people and you may be surprised how you get treated in return. But that won't happen because your disrespect is firmly entrenched in your lack of self respect in the real world. Sad but not unexpected.
Unlike most mbrs, u continuously whine about who promotes Bellagio … yer interest = very plain 2c … 😏

U nvr complain that EBW should get rid of kj … yer only focused on one tiny lil spa… 🔍

And Bellagio has no use 4u or yer pathetic overlong postings. :no

And u moved off yer favourite yrs old talking point.. that somehow a guy ✍️ posting on a website causes girls 2 leave… since Bellagio girls plainly are not leaving, while surrounding spas seem 2b having an elevated rate of departures… 👋

That’s the industry … girls come&go… right now, Bellagio doing very well that way…

And beautiful Cecelia’s been there since the beginning. :)
Ambler handle is a Fkn moron. This Fkn pathetic persona always jumps in and starts shit for no reason. Gotta be the biggest Fkn loser in real life. How the fk is this faggot on here 24/7 ? Lol Handle is in every Fkn thread that is kj’s ops.

Always long ass wannabe ChatGPT replies trying to impress guys on here. Fkn fruit cake.

Always tries to use the calm approach then switches up to back up his other handles.

Ambler handle is outchea singing to girls in fkn threads. LOLOLOL you Fkn singing on a forum with a bunch of dudes hahahahha Fkn faggot. This faggot epitomizes what a simp really is.

Anyone and everyone can see how pathetic these fks move. They’re all the same person. Just look at the threads they are all in. Start shit for no reason. Can’t trust anything they say.

Jimi/john/ambler etc etc. Look in all the threads they’re in. Same faggot movements all the time. One handle gets a hard on for kj and the other handle gets a massive hard one for xtc. Fkn fruit cakes. Biggest online trolls ever. I’m glad I exposed these multiple handle bandits.

Man I heard Ebw is it killing with Yin yin there 6 days a week. 😂 😝 .
Oh bustafug, a whole post where you don't talk about putting cologne on your dick or how the girls fall down when you walk in? You are the gayest little chinese twerp here. Dada might impound your whip if he finds out you been spending your allowance on sex workers.

I regret what’s happened 2 this thread… but I knew @Ambler dying. 2 set me up 4 an ambush by the collection of Jiminy 🆔s … I luv how it’s backfired 🤜:fall

… jiminy’s called in ambler & even came on himself … he can’t stop the bleeding 🩸
Sorry XTC, this is even more incoherent than your usual typing/posing patois. People hate you, not the spa. And you deserve it, 14,503 times over...
Now every time I see Bustanut post I remember Ambler's comment that in that one review Bustanut wasn't reviewing the girl he was reviewing himself 🤣😆

Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1
Sorry XTC, this is even more incoherent than your usual typing/posing patois. People hate you, not the spa. And you deserve it, 14,503 times over...
Jiminy & u hate me… I’m pretty much ok w that. :) I shur don’t want u jokers as friends! :lol

… as usual, I make no remarks about u guys or yer spas… but u climb outta the woodwork like cockroaches 🪳 & attack me.

Oops. :oops:

This time, looks like u stepped In it, pompous ass. :rolf
Oh bustafug, a whole post where you don't talk about putting cologne on your dick or how the girls fall down when you walk in? You are the gayest little chinese twerp here. Dada might impound your whip if he finds out you been spending your allowance on sex workers.
…. Amazing u pretend 2b some educated classy guy, then spin elaborate backstories about folks u nvr met 🤨

No surprise Jiminy’s many 🆔s dunno what

“narcissist” mean… but it’s frankly hilarious an “educated” guy uses “big words” 2 impress w/o knowing their meaning.

Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inflated self-image and addiction to fantasy.

… who’s got an inflated ego, inventing names & creating backstories? 🤔 Have a look in the mirror …

Who types entire novels 40 every post as if he’s a super important guy? Who just created a fictional backstory for @Bustanut , a man u nvr met & we all no it?

Oh bumbles, you just don't get it, never will me thinks. You like to see yourself on here, you must reread whatcha post, get a tiny hard on and rub it vigorously. Right !.. cause the only reason women will have anything to do with you is 💰

Should I download ChatGPT and replicate the verbal diarrhea you spew from your chat app, it might be fun but I'll spare the readers on here any more boredom normally associated with you ya monkey.

Self awareness amblers, you need some, you absolute self centered stain on this site, hell humanity ffs, nasty old decrepit Pillsbury dough boy.

At least busta and I have game, right gomer....😉, you, bring yer bags cash loser
…. Amazing u pretend 2b some educated classy guy, then spin elaborate backstories about folks u nvr met 🤨

No surprise Jiminy’s many 🆔s dunno what

“narcissist” mean… but it’s frankly hilarious an “educated” guy uses “big words” 2 impress w/o knowing their meaning.

Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inflated self-image and addiction to fantasy.

… who’s got an inflated ego, inventing names & creating backstories? 🤔 Have a look in the mirror …

Who types entire novels 40 every post as if he’s a super important guy? Who just created a fictional backstory for @Bustanut , a man u nvr met & we all no it?

Summed him up nicely, the confusion lies with them logging in and out forgetting who they logged in as last.. haha
Wow, great post Social Mishap. No poo poo potty mouth, bordering on the coherent. Glad to see you are capable of learning and try to up your game in response to my laser focused dissection of your persona.

A man of accomplishment certainly, I don't recall listing any of my distinctions but a smarter less envious person than you might be able to figure it out.

As for you, don't be modest, you troll numerous people here, some of the same ones I do at times. But that is all you do, troll and try to talk down while implicitly talking yourself up.

Black Denali is a classic cliche for those with various insecurities, as exemplified in the banter between you and Bustafug: with you touting your member and him telling you how the girls are flabbergasted when he walks in. Then on his own thread where he banned anyone who calls out Bustamove, you pat each other on the back calling each other bro, bruv, and brother, concluding hilariously with your advice to not take yourselves seriously, when you both do that bromeo homoerotic mating dance. Queasy, is what I feel when you display your "personality".

Insignificant loser. Life has peaked at "failed to launch" and left to spew bile on a massage site. Read a review or two of mine, learn how to treat people and you may be surprised how you get treated in return. But that won't happen because your disrespect is firmly entrenched in your lack of self respect in the real world. Sad but not unexpected.
It was a great post asshole thanks for acknowledging Mr dressup, and you laser focused?
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok homey, ya nothing but a ball of delusion
Stinging comeback there XTC. I never met Bustagut, but I have read his posts here. I don't know what words mean? What part of inflated self-image and addiction to fantasizing am I missing here? Bustanut in his own words:

it cool. Keep it polite and keep it moving. I simply reply thank you. She Asks questions like how long you workout for etc. Small convo here and there. I usually don’t like talking but with this chick I didn’t mind a little banter here and there.
So my buddy hits me up on a Sunday saying he wants to go for a massage. So many spas so many options. Looked at all the pics on mp and checked out some reviews. Decided to hit up Suko Spa. The pics looked great and I haven’t been to suko in a minute. Off we go…

Walk inside see @JerryWangWw She seems a little off. Ask her who is available? She says all girls busy at the moment except one. I ask if my buddy and I can see the one who is available? She says no problem. The girl ,I can’t remember her name had a good body but facially to me was aight. However, my buddy thought she was hot. So he was like I want that one. Young and fit , he was good with her.
After we were done seeing her, a girl walks out of room number one. She was wearing all black and had a nice body. She looked at me and smiled. Damn yo!!!!!! This girl was pretttTTTTTttttTTttttTyyyy. Wow!!! Just the eye contact when we locked eyes. My oh my. That look 👀 was flirty, seductive and devious. The only concern for me was how the massage is going to be? The day before I had a killer gym session. So I wanted someone who is strong with good back walking.

Weird but at that point when @JerryWangWw was focusing on my face she finally realized who i was. Looked at me laughed and completely transformed her demeanour. LOLOLOL! She started laughing. You!! Yeaaa yo….Bustanut!!!!! Better recognize hoe (just kidding) Haha !!! anyway she said it was the way I was dressed as to the reason why she didn’t recognize moi. Perhaps because my muscles weren’t showing due to the baggy clothes.

Anyway….I’m thinking about the girl in black then another girl walks out more plump and huge bonkers. So I’m like….hmmm what about that one??? She was cute and more meaty. So I’m thinking ….the pressure on the back must be good a la the extra weight dem. Then another girl came out of a next room and I looked at her 👀 shook my head and was like “wasssupppp” four hands four hands haha. I’m just laughing having fun with it at this point. I start saying four hands to every chick I saw, even Jenny lol.

Damnnn!!!! My neck was getting a work out just looking at these chicks. I get Jenny’s feedback and ultimately settle on the girl in the black.

I start undressing, lay down and the knock comes. Off the rip, she’s like wow 🤩! Such a nice body. Now, I’m use to this so I just play

Before she starts the massage she’s inspecting my body feeling it all around. Running her hands around and kept saying wow, so hard. I’m like that’s not the only thing that’s hard babyyyyy👺👺👺. Let’s Fkn goOOoooo. She started laughing.

Massage starts very sensual. This girl is not the strongest but the technique was good. She knew the spots to attack. Some girls in the industry are strong but have no clue what they are doing. This girl had medium pressure with the right technique. Hit the right points for sure.

As the massage is going on …the door opens. She’s speaking wonton taiyo taiyo to the chick. (Fast Chinese) Lifts the blanket off my body as if to show the chick. Then, I feel a next set of hands on me. Like literally feeling me out. I’m like sick!!!!! The girls start laughing and the chick leaves. About 5 mins later the door opens again and she does the same thing lifts the blanket off as if to show me off. They start laughing and the girl leaves. So I ask the girl no four hands? She laughs and says they all like your body. Moments later the door opens yet again LOL! So she takes the blanket off and a next set off hands starts feeling me and they start laughing. This time when the door closes the girl who came in did NOT leave.

wtf!!! Now, I got four hands on me actually massaging. Holy fk!!! Bustanut about to bust four Fkn 🌰’s lololol. After about five mins one of them jumps on my back and starts back walking while the other one is massaging the other areas of my body. I’ve read many good things about suko spa four hands but this is the first time I’ve ever tried. I was completely blown away. Now this goes on for what felt like a solid 15 mins. The girl leaves and now we back to one on one.

She tells me to flip over and lightly touched the golden knob. Smiled and looked deep into my eyes and says you want this? Uhh!!! Fkn right I do, I said to myself. Even though I was thinking that, I politely said yes. Her clothes are on while she’s getting to work. I’m like you do anything else…she smiles and says i’m _ _ _ _.So I say body slide. So off comes her top and off come her pants. 👀 ****she never mentioned tips.

Holy shit!!!! Sexy panty reveals itself and I’m like damn. She’s maintaining serious eye contact with me. Not saying anything, not smiling but giving me that Fkn sexy seductive look. My gawdddd!!! She starts fondling moby and gets some oil. wtf!!!! Yo this chick starts touching herself with one hand while the other hand is playing with moby. Fkkkk, if that’s not the hottest shit ever, I dun know what is??? All of this while she is still looking at me. Fkkkkk yo!!!!!Couldn’t even hold it anymore. The way she was touching herself. It was like she wanted to cum too. All of sudden, all of the creme de la creme came out. Holy this girl took my soul yo. Lolol.

After I was done busting a serious nut. She cleaned me up and I pulled her in. Had to take my soul back and hers lol. She was on top of me caressing me while my arms were wrapped around her. Gave me that look and yo…..I dun pulled her in and the lips starting locking. Can’t say too much.“mamasan might be reading, don’t want to get in trouble”. Shoutout to all the dumb fks who use this line in their reviews. Fkn stupid ass morons. One of the best sessions I’ve had, bar none.

Guys, go to suko on a SUNDAY and you’ll know what I’m talking about. The talent was lit. I should note on the way out I saw blondie and yooo….wow!!!As always ymmv. If you’re fat,hairy, ugly and stink you won’t get shit.

Some of you Fkn morons are so cheap and don’t contribute shit to this community. Others just shill their souls away for free door fees LOLOLOLOLOL. Imagine that, all you gotta do is lie out of your ass and you get free door fees. You pathetic fks!!! You clowns know who you are. So fk all y’all!!!! Spend some money and find out who this one is. I gave enough clues in this review. Sunday being the biggest one.

I’m definitely hitting up suko again. I asked Jenny who was the girl who came in and participated in the 4 hand? She just smiled and didn’t answer. Fk, I got a second girl in the room for free. That’s what you get when you’re ripped the fk out, you got game and you follow :


A lot of you dummies have body dysmorphia LOL. Fkn clowns think you’re in shape when you’re not. Being jacked is not just being big you stupid Fkn fat morons. It’s being a good size and ripped. Not big and fat. If you guys can’t see definition in your abs arms etc. you will not get the same play. Fast for 36 hours you Fkn fat fks!!! If you ain’t getting the goods like me, get in supreme shape. Fkn lard ass eating dudes on here kill me.

Till next time….

Better stick to your emojis and misspellings, you are so obviously out of your depths here. Perfect example of Dunning Kruger syndrome you puppet playing clown.
Stinging comeback there XTC. I never met Bustagut, but I have read his posts here. I don't know what words mean? What part of inflated self-image and addiction to fantasizing am I missing here? Bustanut in his own words:

it cool. Keep it polite and keep it moving. I simply reply thank you. She Asks questions like how long you workout for etc. Small convo here and there. I usually don’t like talking but with this chick I didn’t mind a little banter here and there.
So my buddy hits me up on a Sunday saying he wants to go for a massage. So many spas so many options. Looked at all the pics on mp and checked out some reviews. Decided to hit up Suko Spa. The pics looked great and I haven’t been to suko in a minute. Off we go…

Walk inside see @JerryWangWw She seems a little off. Ask her who is available? She says all girls busy at the moment except one. I ask if my buddy and I can see the one who is available? She says no problem. The girl ,I can’t remember her name had a good body but facially to me was aight. However, my buddy thought she was hot. So he was like I want that one. Young and fit , he was good with her.
After we were done seeing her, a girl walks out of room number one. She was wearing all black and had a nice body. She looked at me and smiled. Damn yo!!!!!! This girl was pretttTTTTTttttTTttttTyyyy. Wow!!! Just the eye contact when we locked eyes. My oh my. That look 👀 was flirty, seductive and devious. The only concern for me was how the massage is going to be? The day before I had a killer gym session. So I wanted someone who is strong with good back walking.

Weird but at that point when @JerryWangWw was focusing on my face she finally realized who i was. Looked at me laughed and completely transformed her demeanour. LOLOLOL! She started laughing. You!! Yeaaa yo….Bustanut!!!!! Better recognize hoe (just kidding) Haha !!! anyway she said it was the way I was dressed as to the reason why she didn’t recognize moi. Perhaps because my muscles weren’t showing due to the baggy clothes.

Anyway….I’m thinking about the girl in black then another girl walks out more plump and huge bonkers. So I’m like….hmmm what about that one??? She was cute and more meaty. So I’m thinking ….the pressure on the back must be good a la the extra weight dem. Then another girl came out of a next room and I looked at her 👀 shook my head and was like “wasssupppp” four hands four hands haha. I’m just laughing having fun with it at this point. I start saying four hands to every chick I saw, even Jenny lol.

Damnnn!!!! My neck was getting a work out just looking at these chicks. I get Jenny’s feedback and ultimately settle on the girl in the black.

I start undressing, lay down and the knock comes. Off the rip, she’s like wow 🤩! Such a nice body. Now, I’m use to this so I just play

Before she starts the massage she’s inspecting my body feeling it all around. Running her hands around and kept saying wow, so hard. I’m like that’s not the only thing that’s hard babyyyyy👺👺👺. Let’s Fkn goOOoooo. She started laughing.

Massage starts very sensual. This girl is not the strongest but the technique was good. She knew the spots to attack. Some girls in the industry are strong but have no clue what they are doing. This girl had medium pressure with the right technique. Hit the right points for sure.

As the massage is going on …the door opens. She’s speaking wonton taiyo taiyo to the chick. (Fast Chinese) Lifts the blanket off my body as if to show the chick. Then, I feel a next set of hands on me. Like literally feeling me out. I’m like sick!!!!! The girls start laughing and the chick leaves. About 5 mins later the door opens again and she does the same thing lifts the blanket off as if to show me off. They start laughing and the girl leaves. So I ask the girl no four hands? She laughs and says they all like your body. Moments later the door opens yet again LOL! So she takes the blanket off and a next set off hands starts feeling me and they start laughing. This time when the door closes the girl who came in did NOT leave.

wtf!!! Now, I got four hands on me actually massaging. Holy fk!!! Bustanut about to bust four Fkn 🌰’s lololol. After about five mins one of them jumps on my back and starts back walking while the other one is massaging the other areas of my body. I’ve read many good things about suko spa four hands but this is the first time I’ve ever tried. I was completely blown away. Now this goes on for what felt like a solid 15 mins. The girl leaves and now we back to one on one.

She tells me to flip over and lightly touched the golden knob. Smiled and looked deep into my eyes and says you want this? Uhh!!! Fkn right I do, I said to myself. Even though I was thinking that, I politely said yes. Her clothes are on while she’s getting to work. I’m like you do anything else…she smiles and says i’m _ _ _ _.So I say body slide. So off comes her top and off come her pants. 👀 ****she never mentioned tips.

Holy shit!!!! Sexy panty reveals itself and I’m like damn. She’s maintaining serious eye contact with me. Not saying anything, not smiling but giving me that Fkn sexy seductive look. My gawdddd!!! She starts fondling moby and gets some oil. wtf!!!! Yo this chick starts touching herself with one hand while the other hand is playing with moby. Fkkkk, if that’s not the hottest shit ever, I dun know what is??? All of this while she is still looking at me. Fkkkkk yo!!!!!Couldn’t even hold it anymore. The way she was touching herself. It was like she wanted to cum too. All of sudden, all of the creme de la creme came out. Holy this girl took my soul yo. Lolol.

After I was done busting a serious nut. She cleaned me up and I pulled her in. Had to take my soul back and hers lol. She was on top of me caressing me while my arms were wrapped around her. Gave me that look and yo…..I dun pulled her in and the lips starting locking. Can’t say too much.“mamasan might be reading, don’t want to get in trouble”. Shoutout to all the dumb fks who use this line in their reviews. Fkn stupid ass morons. One of the best sessions I’ve had, bar none.

Guys, go to suko on a SUNDAY and you’ll know what I’m talking about. The talent was lit. I should note on the way out I saw blondie and yooo….wow!!!As always ymmv. If you’re fat,hairy, ugly and stink you won’t get shit.

Some of you Fkn morons are so cheap and don’t contribute shit to this community. Others just shill their souls away for free door fees LOLOLOLOLOL. Imagine that, all you gotta do is lie out of your ass and you get free door fees. You pathetic fks!!! You clowns know who you are. So fk all y’all!!!! Spend some money and find out who this one is. I gave enough clues in this review. Sunday being the biggest one.

I’m definitely hitting up suko again. I asked Jenny who was the girl who came in and participated in the 4 hand? She just smiled and didn’t answer. Fk, I got a second girl in the room for free. That’s what you get when you’re ripped the fk out, you got game and you follow :


A lot of you dummies have body dysmorphia LOL. Fkn clowns think you’re in shape when you’re not. Being jacked is not just being big you stupid Fkn fat morons. It’s being a good size and ripped. Not big and fat. If you guys can’t see definition in your abs arms etc. you will not get the same play. Fast for 36 hours you Fkn fat fks!!! If you ain’t getting the goods like me, get in supreme shape. Fkn lard ass eating dudes on here kill me.

Till next time….

Better stick to your emojis and misspellings, you are so obviously out of your depths here. Perfect example of Dunning Kruger syndrome you puppet playing clown.
Spending too much time on here analyzing posts you fuckwit, what the

You really are upset old man, oh this is choice, look at you go boy, keep at it, what's wrong old folks home not have any activities for you today, or did ya shit yer bed again bumbles 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  1. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘 Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in
  2. EMSpa_schedule:
    Tomorrow's sneak peek: On Wednesday February 12, 2025, our attendants will be Opal 🤗, Cici 😘, Sandy 🥰, Yoyo ❤️ and Carla 🍑 Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  3. Q Spa:
    Selina is back from holidays and working today with gorgeous young girl Gigi! Come see the one and only yoga butt Queen and her tight kegal kitty🐱😘🔥 Call Q Spa ☎️(647)727-2577☎️SPA LANDLINE ☎️(249)874-2628☎️to book appointment with Selina or Gigi today💯👌💥Real New Pictures of Selina and Gigi💋💯🔥 Duo four hand massage also available with Selina and Gigi today🔥💯Call for details and book appointment
  4. hiyamickey:
    8 girls working at Reinella wellness, Address:6262 hwy7 unit #1 Vaughan, ☎️:905-851-4888
  5. Lily Spa:
    ❤️ KATRINA, SANA and SUSU are here today for your massage needs ❤️ Lily Spa ❤️ 2190 McNicoll ❤️ Scarborough ❤️ M1V 5M2 ❤️ (647) 531-8288 ❤️
  6. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl New girl Maggie 😘😘😘😘sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️ You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking spaces
  7. wonderspa:
    welcome to wonder spa☎️416-5000-800,L6a4H8,open10 to10.we have 4young beautiful girls working everyday,Ensuit shower available 🍅,service queen Jessica friendly nice girl,providing deep tissue massage and nice body slide🍅Mimi is very good looking,big breasted sweet sensual touch,really popular 🍎new girl Ada nice smile,smooth ski,got strong massage hot stone,cupping a lot experience 🔥must try🔥🔥give you warm time
  8. New spring spa@:
    ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥sexy hot busty 🌸Canadian🌸Malaysia 🌸Korean 🌸girls working at Markham ☎️416-669-8508❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
  9. OrchidSPA:
    Today is Mia & New Girl Kelly 🫦 Mia has Lovely Sexy Body ~ Provides a Smooth Full Body Massage 💄 Kelly is New to us. She is Busty with 36D Breasts. 🀣 Open: 10am to 10:00pm 🀣 Call/Text ⏩️ (437) 220-6963 ~ 3601 Highway 7, Unit#103, Markham
  10. JerryWangWw:
    Suko spa every day have 7 different style masseuse working here please call 905-597-8880 😘😘🎆🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩💋💋🥰
  11. Sparkling Spa:
    ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥SUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS🔥💯😘🔥❤️👌 🔥SEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Today’s Schedule is…🔥 Coco -🔥😘Our new sexy and slim massage girl Coco exudes elegance and allure, with
  12. ForeverWarden:
    Tuesday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Cindy, Tracy & Vivian. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples. Her massage is nice, her bbbj will drive you wild & her cfs finish is a dream come true. Tracy is an incredibly cute & pretty Japanese/Taiwanese mixed spinner, about 5’1” and 100 lbs. She is very popular
  13. HolidaySpa:
    Tuesday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: EMMA, JENNY & CINDY. EMMA is a very beautiful slim Chinese honey with C Cups, beauty face, & nice services to drive you wild. Jenny has a medium build, nicely curvy with a slim waist, pretty face, and very flexible skills. Jenny will make you very happy CINDY is a slim & incredibly sexy lady
  14. SugarLoveSpa:
    Tuesday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: ANA, MIMI & TIFFANY. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON ☎ 𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟯𝟲𝟱-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎ ANA is a young, short and sweet lady, 5’1 & 105 Lbs, very tight, with a small to medium booty. Ana is a versatile honey who provides great massage, & can accommodate your needs. MIMI is a slim & busty Asian/Euro mix beauty, 50Kgs & 1M60. Mimi has a very versatile range
  15. Jenny’s Spa:
  16. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center: Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Fedi,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Tina ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Cindy ,Student big boobs buttocks Vicky, Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,🏠address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👅👅🦵🦵🈵🈵👄👄
  17. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Vivian , pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Yuki ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Anjoo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899👅👅🦵🦵🈵🈵👄👄
  18. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! ✅ Click Here Today🌸Susan🌸Cassy🌸Brandy🌸Luna🌸Lynda Call us ☎ 905 - 265 - 2158☎️ Your ultimate service awaits! ✨
  19. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young beautiful girls are working today,Young popular pretty Mia 25’s and young fun Ivy with big buttocks 30’s open mind, young cute slime Sophia 30’s and nice GFE Lina are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  20. michellecaviar:
    MASSAGE 4 MEN HAMILTON 2897692540
  21. New Oriental Health Centre:
    🫦Happy & Phoenix are in today 📞Call 📲 Text: (647) 381-2688 🍑 Happy is a very talented Korean Babe 💋 Phoenix is a Canadian Born Filipino Hottie 🤗 WalkIns Welcome 📅 Open 8am til Late #26, 10 East Wilmot Street, Richmond Hill.
  22. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨ Looking for a relaxing escape? ✅ Click Here Meet🌸Nina🌸Claire🌸MariaCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now ☎ 289 - 298 - 5662☎️ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! ✨
  23. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Molly🔥😘Our new quick witted and funny girl Molly is here to entertain you not only with her sensual massage skills but also with her sense of humour and her happy go lucky friendly attitude. Molly, a fair skinned mixed race beaut
  24. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day Young Sexy Curvy Vietnamese May, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  25. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Kiki and Bella work
  26. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl New girl Maggie 😘😘😘😘sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️ You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking spaces
  27. EMSpa_schedule:
    Here's our sneak peek for tomorrow: For Tuesday February 11, 2025, our attendants will be Ada 🤗, Cici 😘, Ivy 🥰, Christina 🔥 and guest attendant Monica ❤️ We have our guest attendant Monica joining us again tomorrow! Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  28. New spring spa@:
    🌹🌹🌹sexy hot Latino 💖 Singapore 💖 Korean girls 👍working at Nu spring spa💋💋☎️416-669-8508🌹🌹🌹
  29. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Monday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💇 Nora, Judy, Gina, Jojo, Sunny, Candy and Alice 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  30. hiyamickey:
    6 girls working at Reinella wellness, Address: 6262 hwy7 unit #1 Vaughan, ☎️:905-851-4888
  31. Sparkling Spa:
    Sexy Korean Massage Girl Summer is working at Sparkling Spa with Service Queen Zoe today. Real pictures of Summer & Zoe💯💯Call or text to book appointment 📲 ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY
  32. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Sora kiki and Sarah working
  33. wonderspa:
    🌺🔥 Wonder spa [9421Jane st unit 127)L6a 4H8,Please ☎️4165000-800,Ensuit rain shower now is available ,every day 4 nice girls working💄Amy is Vietnamese young sex girl,open maid,everything she can do,💄Mimi is younge sexy girl beautiful face long leg friendly ,nice body slide,really popular🌹big big boob Mina deep to relax massage,a lot fun good communication,must try🔥🔥every one more experience
  34. HollywoodSpa:
    Monday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: SISI & TRACY. ☎𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟮𝟮-𝟱𝟱𝟱𝟰☎ When you visit 🎭Hollywood Spa🎭, you will be treated with tender care and your visit will be a fulfilling one. Nice Massage, Young Pretty Girls. We have Chinese, Japanese, Korean & other attendants. SISI is a sweet slim beauty, 5’2”, with a beauty ass, excellent massage, and amazing services. Come and see why she is so popular.
  35. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! ✅ Click Here Today🌸Lynda🌸Ivy🌸Monika🌸Aletta🌸Tiffany Call us ☎ 905 - 265 - 2158☎️ Your ultimate service awaits! ✨
  36. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨ Looking for a relaxing escape? ✅ Click Here Meet🌸Brandy🌸Carly🌸KimCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now ☎ 289 - 298 - 5662☎️ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! ✨
  37. ForeverWarden:
    Monday at 🫦❤️🔴♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦 2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Mina, Yumi & Cindy. Mina is Asian, slim & petite, 34C, very beautiful and hot. She has excellent massage, and provides star quality service. Yumi is a young half Chinese/half Korean very sexy & slim beauty, can do bbbj cim, excellent services... Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups
  38. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center :Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Midi , Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Baby ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Yoyo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella ,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry , address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👅👅🦵🦵🈵🈵👄👄
  39. Q Spa:
  40. HolidaySpa:
    Monday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: JENNIFER & CINDY. JENNIFER is slim and curvy, with long dark hair, land nice services. CINDY is a slim & incredibly sexy lady with a smile that will melt your heart, & an ass that will fire up your spirit. Her services are among the best!
  41. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl Big-breasted big Big boobs big butts Ivy, Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Vita ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage May, Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899 👅👅🦵🦵🈵🈵👄👄
  42. SugarLoveSpa:
    Monday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: ELLA, MIA & SONA. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON ☎ 𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟯𝟲𝟱-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎ ELLA is a lovely Thai sweetheart, 5’1” with C Cups, smooth skin and a very pleasing attitude. MIA is a young & slim 𝙎𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙉𝙀𝙍, very PRETTY & PETITE Vietnamese beauty with A Cups, 5’1” & 90 Lbs, very versatile. Come and enjoy.
  43. AliceSpa:
    MONDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 3 Sexy Young Girls Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm : AMY (12pm – 9pm) is a young, petite short & slim Taiwanese, former dance instructor, firm natural B Cups, pretty face, firm natural titis, super play good, bbbj, cim, rim, dfk, all services. JULIA (12pm-9pm) from Philippines, young girl, busty, E cup, curvy
  44. Jenny’s Spa:
  45. OrchidSPA:
    Today is Tiffany & Eva 🤩Tiffany is a Young and Very Sexy Girl with Natural 34C boobs. 🔥 Eva is Very Popular in the GTA. ( | ) Drop In and Enjoy a Satisfying Experience Today! OPEN: 10am to 10:00pm ~ Call/Text ⏩️ 437-220-6963 ~ Unit#103 3601 Highway 7, Markham, ON L3R 0M3
  46. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young beautiful girls are working today,Young popular pretty Lily 25’s slime open mind and young sexy fun Michelle with big buttocks 25’s open mind, young nice Vivian with curve body 22’s and cute GFE Ella very are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  47. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day Young Sexy Curvy Vietnamese May, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  48. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Feifei😘Our new Taiwanese beauty Feifei specializes in creating an intimate and deeply relaxing massage experience tailored to your desires. Her soft, skilled hands glide effortlessly, easing tension and awakening your senses with
  49. New Oriental Health Centre:
    🫦Happy & Phoenix are in today 📞Call 📲 Text: (647) 381-2688 🍑 Happy is a very talented Korean Babe 💋 Phoenix is a Canadian Born Filipino Hottie 🤗 WalkIns Welcome 📅 Open 8am til Late #26, 10 East Wilmot Street, Richmond Hill.
  50. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix blossom Spa ♨️♨️♨️table shower 👍👍👍👍👍body scrub🌹🌹🌹🌹5124 Dundas W Etobicoke ☎️416-817-3366 Nice girl Luna is joining. She can provide a very good massage with sensual touch. She knows how to take direction and please a man. Suki 😘can provide deep Thai massage. She takes directions very well. She has many assets and knows how to use them. Come see her today.Welcome to walk in or make an appointment at any time. Plenty of parking space at the back door