Shanghai rip off

it should be always the #1 rule when a girl you run into in Shanghai suggests to go to somewhere to have a drink or buy something: you should pick the place! the trick is the place you might get ripped off is the place the girl has some kind of connections with (or selling for for commission for the place).
@ white dragon
Yes please do so. I just arrived in Shanghai today and will leave on Sunday. So it is an urgent request :D
I am in the Hilton hotel. Anything nearby would be great.
Who knows, the embarrassment might have been on the side of hotel management. They might even have dished out 100 USD, rather than getting involved with their own Chinese authorities.
here's my only lame ripoff story. went to a barber massage with 300rmb - met a real sexy girl but she wanted 400rmb for fs. i tried to communicate i would go to the atm but when i tried to leave they bailed me up and wouldnt let me leave. they kept pointing at the clock and wanted money for my time there even though nothing had happened. again i said i would go to atm and be back. the guy who owned the place started grabbing me which utterly pissed me off to the point of shouting at them all. the girls barred the door and the guy kept holding me. i ended up only paying 20rmb but left angry and bitter. they lost a customer i suppose. i was really close to telling a policemen to shut them down. on a brighter occasion when i 1st arrived here i went to a coffee shop and met a girl who took me to a backroom and we brought some cheap drinks. i was so niave i thought she was just hanging out there. she gave me a nice hj and let me feel her up but because we never discussed price i argued to pay only 4 drinks. well i walked out of there having only paid 40rmb for drinks. i ripped them off! i know a bunch of massage and sauna places that offer reliable fs - maybe i should do a map?
I lived in Shanghai for two years and am disappointed to here about the recent scams on Nanjing Lu. There is so much money to be made by selling pussy that I can't understand why would they resort to crime?

Anyway, there are some basic rules that will prevent this scam in Shanghai and anywhere else in the world. If a woman approaches you on the street (or anywhere outside of a business situation) she is selling something. Keep this in mind. If she is a legitimate hooker, she will agree to a price, service and location on the spot. If price, service or location is an issue, WALK. Don't think twice, just do it. Use your gut instincts and stay out of trouble.

In the worst case, if you do end up on some 8th floor getting 3500 RMB drinks, pay and then advise that you work in Shanghai and intend to report the incident to the police. It may or may not get you a discount but if the shit heads running the scam hear it enough they will start believing it and maybe even stop.
yeah lets hope it doesnt get worse, if its any consulation local girls are sometimes scammed by men for money and mobile phones. i believe what goes around comes around - we r wiser, they r still crooks
White Dragon,

Your right, it's sad, dishonest and a complete rip off and maybe it was made easier for the gals because we were naive (don't take offence bigbamboo) and, in my case, new to the city (new to the country for that matter). I have already said that I should have checked the mpnet before I went there. Well now I have checked the site and I can't find any previous mentions of this scam. Is it something that has only started recently. If so, what triggered it and how did so many girls learn the skills so quickly? Or is it just that nobody got around to mentioning it before? Too shy, too embarrassed ... or just too dumb to let others know?

i cant believe u guys got taken like that! its sad and completely dishonest. never pay for something u didnt negotiate, they might pressure u but in china its unlikely they will rough u up. never pay 4 coffee or food. dont carry wallet only carry 500rmb. if cornered ask u need an atm and get the hell out of there. mention the police. they might want ur money but they dont want trouble either. they will gamble on the fact ur vulnerable but always remember they have no legal right to ur money, chinese get harsher penalties for crime against foreigners and by the sounds of things avoid nanjing lu!
I was in Shanghai in May 2005 and got scammed the same way. I knew something was
coming but I guess it all happened so fast I couldn't do anything until it was too late.

I was walking along the pedestrian area of Nanjing Rd and was approached by
a very attractive maybe 30yr old, asking if I wanted to get some coffee and
talk. We went to a coffee shop on the 8th floor of a corner building in the
middle of Nanjing (3rd floor had a Sumo Sushi restaurant). The coffee shop
was hidden in the back of a restaurant.

There we got a private booth with doors that closed. While I only ordered
a coffee, she ordered more in Chinese and when my drink arrived it was
accompanied by 4 whiskies and a dish of fruit and plates of nuts and such.
I told her not to order anything else or I would not pay for it. She undid
my pants and played a bit with my dick, and letter me fondle her tits.

Then she said she needed to use the bathroom. She was only gone 30 seconds.
A minute later the waitress comes with a tray of 8 more whiskeys! I told them
I refused to accept them and if the girl wanted them she would have to pay the
bill. She grabbed one anyways but the rest got sent back. Anyways, bill
finally came, around 3400. I laughed cause I knew how stupid I had been
to get scammed this way. The girl was a real pro and had found out beforehand
what hotel and room I was staying in and other info about me. I ended up
making a deal for about 2500 and got out of there quick. I had planned some
revenge but they knew too much about me. So I am posting here to warn
everyone about this, don't let it happen to you!!
u can try a number of massage places on zhenqing lu (parrallel to zhoujiabang lu) they offer full service and a lucky dip 4 girls. price 300-500 FS and an extra 100 if u want to take girl away (hotel house) its worth a look - ocassionally a real cutey and u can choose and wont get ripped off. as always be pleasant and charming!
If they are in the business they will hold your eye and not look away...Just smile and slow down the girl will approach you...normal opening statement is for them to ask where you are going...I like to respond with "to my hotel room, want to join me?". If it's a scam they will try to devert you to a bar or restruant. If it's a up front honest hooker you get a yes reply and then your next step is service and price.
Nice post. I have been to Nanjing Street many time. Lots of beauties. Any tips on how to approach them and bring up these subjects without risking being offensive to the wrong girl?
Dazzler; Sorry you got taken (everone else also). Shanghai girls on Nanjing Street are famous for this type of scamming...If they don't talk turkey right from the start watch out they are just out to see what can be had for nothing. I've picked up dozens of girls from Nanjing Street with mostly good results but I suggest you tell them 1) what you want 2) what you want to pay and 3) that you pay after you play....not before. If there is a problem with any of the 3 items? Well it's up to you but there has always been another gal just down the street that doesn't have a problem with my terms of business.

Also street action in Shanghai (like any other city) is lower priced than bars or massage action...I suggest 300 to 500 yuan.
I have gone through same thing happen to you about 3/4 years ago. They met me at Bund and the rest exactly same going for drink and bring them to hotel and same way disappear. I wonder they are the same two girls look like in early 20's slim and good looking.
Second incident in Ningbo. I was staying in CITIC hotel and met 2 girls on the same floor I was staying near elevator.We talked and they come to my room and agreed for 400 RMB both.
We undressed and one took me to bath room and took shower. during shower she talked with other girl and we finished shower came to bed and had good time but it did not cost me 400 RMB. Other girl went through my wallet and took 1000 usd which I did not realiesd untill later. but it was too late and never saw them again and was too embaressed to tell hotel staff.
Another time when I was traveling from Guangzhou to Shenzhen by train. When I reached Shenzhen train station and was going out in rush of lot of people some one openmy computer bag which was on my shoulder and took my travel wallet with my airline ticket few airlines cards and about 100 dollers in foreign currency.
In last nine years of travel to China these were 3 times. Otherwise had real good time and met lot of good people.

I was in Shanghai late last year and was taken to a karaoke spot by work colleagues - was paired up with a gorgeous 18 yr old called Tian Yu, lots of fun and beautiful - asked for her number at the end of the night - called her the following night and she came and spent the night with me - real GFE - no money asked for, but gave her 1,000 RMB the following morning - she has continued to text message me regularly wanting to hook up again.

I highly recommend Shanghai.
I've learnt a very valuable lesson and for that I am greatful to the girls I met. I have read about similar experiences in other parts of the world (like Thailand) but I never figured it would happen to me. Just like Frank, I knew there was something wrong right from the start, but I ignored my instinct and let myself be taken for a ride (but not the kind of ride I was looking for).

I have learnt from this, I will grow as a result of this, I will be much more suspicious of things that don't seem right in the future. It's like they say, for every bad experience that doesn't kill you, learn from it and don't repeat your mistakes. My next visit to Shanghai will be very different, I'll be prepared for this sort of problem. And if I go anywhere else that might be new to me, I will visit the mpnet site for a little guidance.

There is so much to be had in Shanghai when it comes to girls. The lesson is no different then in any city in the USA. The educated are better off and be suspicious of their motives. Plenty of girls in Shanghai for 1,000 RMB will come to your hotel for 2 hours and have a great time and say thank you when they leave. Plenty of girls will do it for 500...depends on your hotel, the nicer the more expensive. You just had a sign on your forehead...Shanghai is great for girls and always...always pay as you go.
Sorry about your misfortune, but.....that was a scam coming from the word go. I was in L.A. on business recently where I thought I had lined up a honey (in advance) for an all-nighter. She showed up with her girlfriend (lame reason) and asked if I minded if her friend came to dinner with us. I recognized what was happening immediately and answered no problem, AFTER my primary and I had some time alone first. I told her friend to wait in the lobby and we'd be down later (after I pummeled!). Of course girl #1 got cold feet about the whole thing and left.
The lesson is, get the goods first, beware of the bill as it comes (I pay cash round by round), and don't settle for less.
And one last thing - the girls in Shanghai are top-flight. These two were just anomolies.
I made an unexpected trip to Shanghai last week - only there for 2 nights. I should have checked the mpnet site first, but I didn't. I stayed at the Ramada Plaza. On the first night I went for a wander along the very crowded Nanjing Road. I was almost immediately approached by two very pretty local girls who seemed interested and it seemed like they wanted a good time. They suggested a coffee shop/bar where we could talk. I went willingly, like a lamb to the slaughter!!!

They asked for whiskey. I don't mind whiskey so I agreed and I joined them and all together we drank maybe 5 glasses each. They were very playful - they were not too shy to touch me anywhere they wanted to (I didn't complain about that). However, I could only touch them above the waist and only briefly. They made it seem like a game. After about an hour of this they agreed to come back to my hotel for sex - no money was discussed. I asked for the bill and was presented with one for 9000 RMB!!! When I expressed (quite loudly) that I was not happy with the bill the waiter went away to check it. She came back about 2 minutes later with three rather fierce looked "gentlemen" behind her. She told me the bill was for the correct amount and that if I didn't pay I would have to sort it out with the guys. I chose discretion as the better part of valour, paid the money and left with the two girls.

At the very least I figured that I had found a couple of honeys who were very interested in doing whatever I wanted to do in the privacy of my hotel room - so it wasn't all that bad ... wrong again !!!

As we approached the hotel one of the girls decided that she was too shy to perform in front of the other one. I would have to decide which one I wanted. I made a choice and the other one left, after begging a few RMB from me for her trouble (500 RMB actually). When we got to the hotel door, the girl who was still with me said that she was embarrased to enter the hotel with me. I should give her my room number and she would follow me inside a few minutes behind me ... I agreed, trying to be understanding of her cultural sensitivities ... what a shmuck. Yeah, you guessed it, I went to my room and waited there for 10 minutes before I came back out and did a search around the ground floor of the hotel and the streets around the hotel - she was nowhere to be found.

As if that wasn't bad enough, another girl tried the same shit on me the next night - but I recognised the scam pretty quick and got away as fast as I could. Overall I couldn't recommend the girls in Shanghai - you need to exercise a lot more care in this place.

Dazzler (the Shanghai sucker)
  1. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘 Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time
  2. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Niko and Suki work
  3. EMSpa_schedule:
    Tomorrow's sneak peek: On Wednesday March 12, 2025, our attendants will be Opal 🤗, Cici 🥰, Yoyo 😘 and Carla 🔥 Sandy will be off tomorrow. Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  4. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Tuesday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💓Nora, Mia, Michelle, Sunny, Jojo, Yumi and Candy 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  5. New spring spa@:
    🌹🌹🌹sexy hot Philippine 💖 💖 Japanese 💖 💖 Korean girls 👍working at Nu spring spa☎️416-669-8508
  6. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  7. Shangri-la Spa:
    💆‍♀💖Tuesday 💜 Ultimate destination for Asian massages🎉 Two fab spots: SL Richmond Hill & SL West Oakville✨ Your passport to paradise with 10 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea — 🆕 Aliyah, Lucy, Echo, Cindy, Coco,Cici, Doris, busty Amber, Kelly & Luna — ready to pamper you🎁🍁 Ring us 📞647-695-6354 or text us 📱647-578-8169✨ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌
  8. Lily Spa:
    ❤️ KAJAL, ELENA and SUSU are here today for your massage needs ❤️ Lily Spa ❤️ 2190 McNicoll ❤️ Scarborough ❤️ M1V 5M2 ❤️ (647) 531-8288 ❤️
  9. Jenny’s Spa:
  10. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl New girl Maggie 😘😘😘😘sexy body, round buttocks, charming breasts, small nipples (customer feedback) 😘super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️ You are welcome to make an appointment at an
  11. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Feifei😘Our new Taiwanese beauty Feifei specializes in creating an intimate and deeply relaxing massage experience tailored to your desires. Her soft, skilled hands glide effortlessly, easing tension and awakening your senses with eve
  12. wonderspa:
    . 🌺🌺Wonder spa,(9421Jane st unit127)call416-5000-800☎️best massage in vaughan,Tuesday Wednesday Thursday RMT available,💄sexy very young girl Mimi,natural c cup,very good looking nice body slide😻 🍎long hair Lucy come back,very good strong to relax oil massage, Relieve pain and remove stress,more experience 🍎Q Judy nice friendly,strong ,back walk,improving your overall health🔥
  13. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! ✅ Click Here Today🌸Susan🌸Cassy🌸Brandy🌸Luna🌸Lynda Call us ☎ 905 - 265 - 2158☎️ Your ultimate service awaits! ✨
  14. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Tina ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament pink,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Helen , Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Vicky , Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👄👄👅👅🦵🦵🈵🈵
  15. Moneylee:
    full season wellness center: NewYoung girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Cherry , Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Anika ,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Selena ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Bobo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 🏠 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 ☎️ 4379857899 👄👄🦵🦵🈵🈵👅👅
  16. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young beautiful girls are working today, young pretty Mia 25’s tall good massage and young sweet Emma 30’s with curve body good massage,young cute Sophia 27’s slime and fun GFE Lina are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 4163985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  17. AliceSpa:
    TUESDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 3 Young Beauties Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm: ELLA (12pm-9pm) is a small & curvy young white girl from Romania, super super busty EE Cups, blue eyes, BLONDE HAIR, ok services, bbbJ cfs. Please call before booking her due to high demand. JENNY: is young , C cup, big ass, from Taiwan, Passionate
  18. HollywoodSpa:
    Tuesday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: COCO & SISI. ☎416-222-5554☎ COCO is an attractive attendant with nice massage skills & good services. SISI is a sweet slim beauty, 5’2”, with a beauty ass, excellent massage, and amazing services. Come and see why she is so popular. When you visit 🎭Hollywood Spa🎭, you will be treated with tender care
  19. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨ Looking for a relaxing escape? ✅ Click Here Meet🌸Nina🌸Maria🌸AnnaCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now ☎ 289 - 298 - 5662☎️ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! ✨
  20. ForeverWarden:
    Tuesday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Cindy, Tracy & Vivian. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups. Her massage is nice, her services will drive you wild & her finish is a dream come true. Tracy is an incredibly cute & pretty Japanese/Taiwanese mixed spinner, about 5’1” and 100 lbs. She is very popular for her exotic massage & services.
  21. HolidaySpa:
    Tuesday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: EMMA, JENNY & CINDY. EMMA is a very beautiful slim Chinese honey with C Cups, beauty face, & nice services to drive you wild. Jenny has a medium build, nicely curvy with a slim waist, pretty face, and very flexible skills. Jenny will make you very happy CINDY is slim & incredible
  22. SugarLoveSpa:
    Tuesday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: KELLY, MIMI, & TIFFANY. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York. KELLY is a young Singaporean lady with liberal skills. MIMI is a slim & busty Asian/Euro mix beauty, 50Kgs & 1M60. Mimi has a very versatile range of services. TIFFANY is an amazing slim petite doll with natural 34C melons, slim waist, & a cute little 33” booty.
  23. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Bella and Kiki work
  24. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl New girl Maggie 😘😘😘😘sexy body, round buttocks, charming breasts, small nipples (customer feedback) 😘super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️ You are welcome to make an appointment at an
  25. grape_islove420:
    Blue lagoon
  26. EMSpa_schedule:
    Here's our sneak peek for tomorrow: On Tuesday March 11, 2025, our attendants will be Ada 😍, Cici 😘, Ivy 🥰, Christina 🔥 and Monica ❤️ See you then! Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  27. Shangri-la Spa:
    💆‍♀💖Monday 💜💖 Ultimate destination for Asian massages🎉 Two fab spots: SL Richmond Hill & SL West Oakville✨ Your passport to paradise with 10 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea — Top Star Jenny, 🆕 Yoyo, Suki, Cindy, Kelly, Yui, Busty Echo, JPN Yui & Juliet🍁🎈 Hit up 647-695-6354🤙 or text to 📱647-578-8169 ✨160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, Richmond Hill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌
  28. New spring spa@:
    🌹🌹🌹sexy hot Malaysian 💖 Latino 💖 Korean girls 👍working at Nu spring spa💋💋☎️416-669-8508🌹🌹🌹
  29. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘 Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time
  30. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  31. Sparkling Spa:
    Sexy Korean Massage Girl Summer is working at Sparkling Spa with Service Queen Zoe today. Real pictures of Summer & Zoe💯💯Call or text to book appointment 📲 ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY
  32. Lily Spa:
    ❤️ KAJAL, ELENA and SUSU are here today for your XXX massage needs ❤️ Lily Spa ❤️ 2190 McNicoll ❤️ Scarborough ❤️ M1V 5M2 ❤️ (647) 531-8288 ❤️
  33. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨ Looking for a relaxing escape? ✅ Click Here Meet🌸Ivy🌸Brandy🌸LilyCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now ☎ 289 - 298 - 5662☎️ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! ✨
  34. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! ✅ Click Here Today🌸Kim🌸Carly🌸Lynda🌸Monika🌸Tiffany Call us ☎ 905 - 265 - 2158☎️ Your ultimate service awaits! ✨
  35. Red Rose Spa:
    🌸 We have 5 hot brown girls today 🌸 MONICA, SARA, PAYAL PEARL, MONIKA, AMANDA, PREETI, NISHA, MEERA, SONIA, ANGEL 🌸 2588 Birchmount 🌸 2 Invergordon 🌸 647-702-8800 🌸 Please visit for a great erotic massage
  36. Jenny’s Spa:
  37. wonderspa:
    🌺🔥 Wonder spa [9421Jane st unit 127)L6a 4H8,Please ☎️4165000-800,Ensuit rain shower now is available ,every day 4 nice girls working,💄Amy is Vietnamese young sex girl,open maid,everything she can do,💄Mimi is very beautiful face long leg friendly girl ,nice body slide,really popular must try💄Mina strong and relaxed oil massage,backwalk,many experience ,give you warm comfortable wonderspa Profile post Mar 3, 2025
  38. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl Big-breasted big Big boobs big butts Ivy, Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Vita ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage May, Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899 👄👄🈵🈵🦵🦵👅👅
  39. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Midi,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Ella ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Helen , Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👄👄👅👅🦵🦵🈵🈵
  40. HollywoodSpa:
    Monday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: MIMI & TRACY. ☎𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟮𝟮-𝟱𝟱𝟱𝟰☎ MIMI is a slim Chinese spinner hottie with a great ass, great body slide & liberal services. TRACY is a slim, taller & pretty lady, very friendly with an extensive menu. When you visit 🎭Hollywood Spa🎭, you will be treated with tender care
  41. ForeverWarden:
    Monday at 🫦❤️🔴♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦 2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Mina, Yumi & Cindy. Mina is Asian, slim & petite, 34C, very beautiful and hot. She has excellent massage, and provides star quality service. Yumi is a young half Chinese/half Korean very sexy & slim beauty, can do bbbj cim, excellent services... Cindy is a slim beauty,
  42. HolidaySpa:
    Monday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: JENNIFER & CINDY. JENNIFER is slim and curvy, with long dark hair, land nice services. CINDY is a slim & incredibly sexy lady with a smile that will melt your heart, & an ass that will fire up your spirit. Her services are among the best!
  43. AliceSpa:
    MONDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 3 Sexy Young Girls Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm : JENNY: is young , C cup, big ass, from Taiwan, Passionate, fs good at all all postions, available all services: bbbj , CIM , DFK Come on face , love shower together...always respects customers. KIKI (10am-9pm): A young, short & petite Taiwanese cutie,
  44. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young beautiful girls are working today, young pretty Lily 25’s with curve body open mind and young sexy Michelle 25’s with big buttocks open mind, young student Taiwanese Victoria 25’s slime and cute GFE Ella are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 4163985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  45. SugarLoveSpa:
    Monday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: ELLA, KELLY & TIFFANY. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON ☎ 𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟯𝟲𝟱-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎ ELLA is a lovely Thai sweetheart, 5’1” with C Cups, smooth skin and a very pleasing attitude. KELLY is a young Singaporean lady with liveral skills. TIFFANY is an amazing slim petite doll with natural 34C melons, slim waist
  46. Annie Spa:
    Our sexy busty Singapore girl Mia is back working at Annie spa with our young CBC part time student Vicky and sensual nurturing busty Coco. Come get your card stamped today so you are on your way to a free massage💯🔥❤️🙏🏻👌 🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: Youn
  47. luckywellness:
    Kiki sora and Sarah works
  48. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘 Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time
  49. EMSpa_schedule:
    Here's a sneak peek of tomorrow's schedule: On Monday March 10, 2025, our attendants will be Mia 🤗, Vicky 🍑, Ivy 😘, and Sophie🔥 Sandy is off tomorrow ☹️ Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  50. Shangri-la Spa:
    💆‍♀💖Sexy Sunday 💜💖 Ultimate destination for Asian massages🎉 Two fab spots: SL Richmond Hill & SL West Oakville✨ Your passport to paradise with 9 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea — Tina, Eva, busty Sophia, JPN Yui, Suki, Doris, 34D Cici, Julie, Tiffany & Coco🎁🍁 Ring us 📞647-695-6354 or text us 📱647-578-8169✨ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌