FR on S

UL Spa, NeR@l,
Been to a S

UL Spa, NeR@l recently at 2pm approx, which is on the Highway/Shiravane side of NeR@l Station... Hardly 5 mints walk from station...
This spa was suggested to me by our mentor-senior whoami Bro and hence was on my bucket-list since long.
Entered the spa and required to face some enquiry like, who suggested and bla-bla.... Told them the reference suggested by Whoami Bro and suddenly... Warm Welcome !!
The lady at counter suggested to go inside the cabin and then lineup was shown. 8-10 good looking chicks... Some of them must be above 35, but found to beok/ fit for the job.
Selected Pr!t!!, a petite looking short girl. Avererage massage skills but very passionate kisser. Gave B2B, BBJ for 15-20mints and service was quiet satisfactory. After endulging in to various positions,
released after 35-40 mints, finaly. Overall experiance was good to very-good. The interior, cleanliness of spa is very good, hygenic. Attitude of all staff is found to be very warm and welcomming.
1.5K counter and
2.00 FS
(Both, i.e. 3.5K taken by the counter lady only)
WIR- Definitely yes, but next time some another chick.
Thanks to Whoami Bro again...
Happy and safe mongering, Bhailog.....