Ofc we all no about superstar

Lucy… but it’s fun hearing perspective of somebody tries her w/o xxxtras…
… 2 bad I can’t do that… xxxtras xxxtremely necessary if I’m w Lucy!

Many guys visit Bellagio & nvr see her since she’s apptmnt only now

… it’s worth it guys, she does everything w/i semilegit limits, normal tops
Faye’s super popular right now… I really started wondering

if she had an interesting menu!!! So gd 2 hear she’s still a newbie on learning curve… very pretty girl, super sweet
Another newbie on today, Aritzia… pretty in a different way, worth a visit even tho not much mileage…
If u wanna try hire mileage newbies, Daisy, damn cute & pretty college girl… gawd I luv her dimples, & that firm spinner bod

… & after 4pm

, Lavida , a gr8 pick 4

DFK fans…
Ofc highest mileage newbie = popular Sani… not as young as the others, hot soccer mom type…
… if Cecelia’s avail when u get there, yer lucky… usually she’s fully booked w her many fans… giver a try & u may become another.