She’s taking a lil time off f/ both spas now per recent update there … they depend on her a bit more but a gal’s gotta do what a gal’s gotta do…
Ofc Bellagio’s got her covered here…
Some Lavida alternatives..
.. pretty young Shallon returns!

No xxxtras but very pretty young girl, charming pretty & gr8 personality… if u wanna c her or try her, book appntmnt

… she’s booked solid almost every day she’s here …
Another gal who’s booked solid = Cecelia!

Her regs fill up her dance card fast… if u c her in the hallway, pick her immediately ! Warning tho… her looks, amazing natural D cup

boobs, fun flirty giggly personality = very addictive… in terms of cute young sexy Asian doing extras, a gr8 Lavida alternative
Victoria? Cute sexy young

, also very popular… not really intense GFE tho… beautiful face, make no mistake, but likely pure

msg only.
Perhaps best Lavida replacement service-wise = Lola! Talk about intense GFE

… she’s the champ! Not as young as Lavida, but mebbe even hornier …
Superstar Lucy ofc will exceed yer xxxpectations … if yer lucky enuf 2c her… by apptmnt only