How do you pick the right spa?
Do scouting trips 2 conveniently located spas… just run inside & take a peak

… make sure u do NOT have enuf cash so sudden horniness
doesnt turn it into a visit…
Once yer @ home, its allot easier 2 figure out which spa 2c… in my case, spas w pretty Asian girls, esp spinners & tall slim gals…

… & I avoid ones w older chubby Asian gals or EE places…
Theres also a sweet spot distance-wise… 2 close 2 home, friends, neighbours & family may catch sight of u…

…. 2 far & u waste 2 much time travelling… one spa I wanted 2 visit, pretty far f/ home base but across street f/ my friend’s store… so had 2 avoid… I guess if I lived in a small town & theres just one AMP, gonna hafta figure out another way 2 sneak in, but in GTA, we can definitely find ideal locations.
I think
EBC* = so popular 4 that reason… near 2 hiway

& GTA, most guys can sneak over there pretty quick, not b seen by friends , family & coworkers, then make our escape… lots of gd bike

lanes 4 cyclists & gr8 public transit

U also gotta decide what services u want… check out reviews… if u want fs, limit yer searches 2 those spas… reviews = very helpful, but veteran hobbyists can tell whats on offer by the lighting & attire…
- lingerie or classic red light district street corner, or very revealing clothing
= fs
- health worker
clinic uniform, a bit sexy = semilegit, max hj only
- above uniform but not sexy @ all = legit massage place, prolly no xxxtras… funny thing, my legit place where one gal does xxxtras has a few xxxtra buttons undone …always I wonder if the older girl there does xxxtras 2… all her buttons done up, but her clients have trouble making eye contact, so the jury = out.
- school girl
or cheerleader
uniform, lil black dress , ripped cutoffs & tshirt = semi-holistic body slide place.
* East Beaver Creek in Richmond Hill.