If u don't get the full 90 min / 2 hrs, just ask a few xxxtra min

... gals = pretty generous once the guy has taken one of the long seshes....
Despite some odd commentary about tipping

, I think industry standards = pretty well known...
Hj w touching = $40

Hj w nudity (topless, bottomless or both) = $60

Hj w full nudity / body slide = $80-100
... so a basic

HH msg = $10 tip... HR msg = $10-20... usually I'm going $20 unless the gal leaves rm a lot... that's legit msg anywhere in the city...
Lola's a gal u likely tip $80-100... IMHO if she gives u DFK & MSOG, it's easily $

... & she's pretty generous gal, I think u can get those things if u want'm. Amy's hi mileage 2, more of an LFK type.
Victoria & Wind = both newbies doing legit msg... dunno if yer gonna get more than that but IMHO they will not be offended if u ask.